Question : Financial Assistance to ST Students

(a) whether the Government provides financial assistance to Scheduled Tribe (ST) students pursuing engineering/medical degrees and post-graduation courses from private and Government colleges in the country including Maharashtra; and

(b) if so, the details of funds allocated and released for such students along with the number of beneficiaries during the last three years and the current year, State/UT-wise?

Answer given by the minister


(a) Yes, Madam. Financial assistance for pursuing engineering/medical degrees and post – graduation courses is provided to ST students under Top Class Education scheme – a sub scheme of “National Fellowship and Scholarship scheme for Higher Education of STs” and “Post Matric Scholarship Scheme”. Under Top Class Schemes, students studying in 158 institutes which include engineering as well as medical colleges are eligible for scholarship. Under Post Matric Scheme, students studying in any Government or Government recognized institute can apply for scholarship.

(b) The requisite details sought for are at Annexure.


Annexure - I

Annexure referred to in reply to part (b) of Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No.2394 for answer on 09.05.2016 tabled by SHRI RAMDAS C. TADAS, MP, regarding “Financial Assistance to ST Students”.

Under the Top Class Education for ST Students, financial assistance is provided to ST students studying in any of the 158 top class institutes identified by the Ministry. Hence, funds are not allocated state-wise. The details of funds released and number of beneficiaries during each of the last three years is as under:

Grants-in-aid released alongwith no. of beneficiries under the Scheme of Top Class Educaiton for ST Students from 2013-14 to 2015-16
(in Rs. Lakhs)
Sl. No. Year Amount Released No. of Beneficiries
1 2013-14 950.00 550
2 2014-15 1849.85 688
3 2015-16 1552.32 1017


Annexure referred to in reply to part (b) of Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No.2394 for answer on 09.05.2016 tabled by SHRI RAMDAS C. TADAS, MP, regarding “Financial Assistance to ST Students”.

State-wise details of funds released and number of beneficiaries under the scheme of Post Matric Scholarship for ST Students.
(in Rs. Lakhs)
SL. No. NAME OF STATE/UT 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
Amount Beneficiaries Amount Beneficiaries Amount Beneficiaries
1 Andhra Pradesh 4895.17 229360 5070.01 82091 1986.82 49239
2 Arunachal Pradesh 1366.85 630 2.29 630 1137.61 0
3 Assam 4756.81 102800 1114.00 102800 6748.28 116693
4 Bihar 23 6463 23.00 6463 0.00 0
5 Chhattisgarh 1341.47 106231 4066.75 139447 4764.83 148660
6 Goa 2 1332 2.00 1332 356.00 4270
7 Gujarat 7138.58 218570 3929.23 218570 5520.40 163989
8 Himachal Pradesh 282.83 5189 237.00 5189 1350.00 8079
9 Jammu & Kashmir 177 18700 2494.17 21000 2494.17 21000
10 Jharkhand 3267.4 72878 4927.23 81768 0.00 0
11 Karnataka 3340.76 132376 3691.00 134988 5839.00 140891
12 Kerala 625.53 12705 647.00 13225 0.00 0
13 Madhya Pradesh 5276.71 192437 2385.00 188145 3065.00 197176
14 Maharashtra 11996.04 178146 7451.83 175000 5209.83 175000
15 Manipur 6111.01 53965 3615.48 57828 3588.00 66928
16 Meghalaya 3438 79011 438.00 79011 3274.61 74608
17 Mizoram 5393.89 56873 4501.15 62410 4927.91 57330
18 Nagaland 2626.19 39867 2329.59 40133 2646.34 45140
19 Odisha 3459.87 89115 4512.00 130960 4050.00 165100
20 Rajasthan 2216.02 288020 6440.00 246249 10890.43 275669
21 Sikkim 845.49 2643 414.00 2705 400.00 3053
22 Tamil Nadu 1436.02 11092 44.00 11092 2266.86 20060
23 Telangana 0 0 12329.89 171329 9650.00 171329
24 Tripura 1390.99 24270 974.82 22261 1700.00 28374
25 Uttar Pradesh 56 7500 56.00 7500 0.00 0
26 Uttrakhand 1086.5 24812 164.00 25269 900.00 27796
27 West Bengal 2277.63 79230 237.00 79230 2948.46 73357
28 A.& N. Islands 0.75 28 3.39 148 0.00 0
29 Daman & Diu 10.9 320 1.00 320 0.00 0
Total 74839.41 2034563 72100.82 2107093 85714.55 2033741

The number of beneficiaries includes those who are studying from Class XI and above, including Graduation, Post-Graduation, Medical & Engineering courses. The segregated figures cannot be provided as the same have not been given by the State Governments.


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