Question : Setting up of Residential Schools

(a) whether the Government has approved for setting up of residential schools and other schools, on the lines of concentrated blocks/towns under its flagship scheme of multi-sectoral development programme, if so, the details thereof;
(b) the names of schools that have been set up in various State Government till date;
(c) the steps taken by the Government to set up more such schools in minority dominated States;
(d) whether the Government also proposes to formulate any action plan for setting up 100 KendriyaVidhyalayas in minority dominated areas; and
(e) if so, the names of locations where work has been started under PPP model in regard to the said action plan?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to(c): The Government has recently approved the restructured Multi-sectoral Development Programme called the “Pradhan Mantri Jan Vikas Karyakaram(PMJVK)” for implementation during the remaining period of 14th Finance Commission. Under the erstwhile MsDP, projects for construction of Residential Schools and other schools in identified Minority Concentration Areas have been approved by the Ministry. The State/UT wise number of residential schools & other schools sanctioned is at Annexure-I. More details are available in the website of Ministry at empowered-committee-minutes.PMJVK provides that 80% of the resources will be utilized for projects related to sector of education, health and skill and at least 33-40% of this will be utilized for facilities and assets that benefit women/girls. The number of identified Minority Concentration Areas(MCAs) under MsDP were 789 falling in 27 States/UTs which has been increased to 1300 MCAs falling in 32 States/UTs in the restructured programme called the Pradhan Mantri Jan Vikas Karyakram enabling the State Governments/UT to widen the coverage.

(d).The Maulana Azad Education Foundation (MAEF), a society registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 and working under the aegis of Ministry of Minority Affairs, had constituted a Committee to go into the modalities for establishment of educational institutions in different parts of the country with a view to facilitate educational development of the minorities.This Committee in its report has recommended for a three tier model of educational institutions for minorities having 211 Central Schools at the bottom, 25 Community Colleges at the middle and05 National Institutes at the top level.
(e) There is no proposal with Ministry for implementation of projects under PMJVK on the basis of PPP model as of now.


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