(a) the details of minerals and metals including aluminium exported/imported during each of the last three years;

(b) the names of minerals banned for export by the Government;

(c) the details thereof;

(d) the time for which the ban has been imposed;

(e) whether the domestic aluminium industries are importing aluminium at a much higher rate at which the same is exported; and

(f) if so, the details thereof and the reasons therefor?

Answer given by the minister


(a) The details of major minerals and metals i.e. Iron Ore, Chrome Ore/Chrome Concentrate, Manganese Ore and Aluminum exported/imported by India during each of the last three years are as under:-

Qty. in lakh tonnes
2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 Export Import Export Import Export Import
Iron Ore 1058.66 0.69 1173.72 8.97 976.58 18.67
Chrome Ore/ 3.77 - 5.85 - 5.27 - Chrome Concentrate
Manganese Ore 1.91 8.52 2.91 7.98 1.52 12.99#
Alumina 9.68 2.12 7.03 3.37 56.48# 2.81#

(#) Provisional

(b)to (d) The Hon’ble Supreme Court of India, vide its order dated 29th July, 2011, suspended mining operations and transportation of iron ore in Bellary District, Karnataka, in view of over exploitation. In a subsequent Order, the Supreme Court directed that no part of the iron ore production in Bellary shall be exported till further orders.

(e)&(f) As the Alumina prices are determined by London Metal Exchange, import and export prices of Alumina are by and large aligned. However, import of special grades of Alumina may result in higher import prices.