Question : Coaching Centres by the Government

(a) whether the Ministry has aware about increasing number of students in the country opting for adaptive learning platforms to prepare various entrance examination which led to a burgeoning demand for coaching centres;
(b) the steps taken by the Government to setup this type of coaching centres across the country;
(c) the time by which these are likely to come up; and
(d) the action taken by the Government in this regard?

Answer given by the minister


(a): There are no accurate estimates of the number of students opting for adaptive learning platforms and coaching centers.
(b) to (d) : The Government does not consider coaching system as a healthy trend; and is committed to strengthening the school education system. The entrance examinations like the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) are being increasingly based on application of concepts taught in the school syllabus, thereby reducing the need for coaching classes. Apart from this, online courses are proposed to be offered by the best teachers in the Country free of cost to all students.

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