(a) the steps taken/proposed by the Government to promote medical education in the country alongwith the amendments made in the guidelines of the Medical Council of India (MCI) for the purpose during the recent years;

(b) whether the Government has launched/proposed any scheme to provide free coaching classes for medical entrance examinations for the students belonging to low income group, particularly in the rural areas;

(c) if so, the details thereof, State/UTwise including Uttar Pradesh;

(d) whether the MCI proposes to bring in certain changes in the MBBS curriculum; and

(e) if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a): The Central Government, in consultation with Medical Council of India (MCI), has reviewed and amended following MCI Regulations to promote medical education in the country:

1. The norms for setting up of medical colleges have been relaxed in terms of requirement for land, faculty, staff, bed/bed strength, other infrastructure, etc.

2. Maximum intake capacity at MBBS level has been increased from 150 to 250.

3. Maximum age for appointment of faculty has been enhanced from 65 to 70 years.

4. DNB qualifications have been recognized for appointment to various faculty positions.

5. Teacher – student ratio has been relaxed to increase the seats at Postgraduate level.

Further, the Central Government under the scheme of `Strengthening and Upgradation of State Government Medical Colleges` is providing financial support to State medical colleges to increase postgraduate seats in various disciplines or start new postgraduate medical courses.

(b) Ministry of Health & Family Welfare has no such scheme.

(c) Does not arise.

(d) Yes.

(e) MCI proposes to restructure the MBBS curriculum as following:

Foundation course (2-months);

1st MBBS course (12-months);

IInd MBBS course (12-months);

Final MBBS + Elective (28-months);

Internship (1-month).