(a) the criteria adopted by the Union Government to provide financial assistance for drinking water and sanitation schemes;

(b) the details of the Annual Action Plan relating to drinking water supply and projects/proposals relating to sanitation received from various States/UTs during each of the last three years and the current year, State/UT-wise;

(c) the details of the proposals/projects approved out of the above and pending as on date, State/UT-wise;

(d) whether there is delay in according approval to these projects, if so, the reasons therefor;

(e) the details of the projects implemented to provide drinking water facilities in the country during the said period, State/UT-wise;

(f) whether the Government proposes to establish sewage treatment plants in the country, if so, the details thereof; and

(g) the amount released and utilized under drinking water and sanitation schemes during the said period, State/UT-wise?

Answer given by the minister


(a) Under National Rural Drinking Water Programme (NRDWP) at the beginning of every financial year State UT wise allocation is made on the basis of follow ing criteria:

 SNo.	Criteria	Weightage	(in%) i)	Rural population	40 ii)	Rural SC and ST population	10 iii)	States under DDP, DPAP. HADP and	40	special category Hill States in	terms of rural areas iv)	Rural population managing rural	10	drinking water supply schemes	weighted by a Management Devolution	Index	Total	100 
The funding pattern between center and state is as below:
	NRDWP Central Allocation	Centre-State sharing pattern Non NE States	73%	90:10 to NE States and J&K and 50:50	to other States NE States	10%	90:10 DDP Area States	10%	100% Central share Water Quality	5%	90.10 to NE States and J&K and 50:50 (Earmarked) for	to other States. chemical contaminated & JE/ AES affected States Natural Calamities.	2%	100% Central share 
Government of India administers through the States/UTs, the Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan (NBA), earlier known as Total Sanitation Campaign (TSC), in the country, a comprehensive programme to ensure sanitation facilities in rural areas, including construction of toilets, with the main objective of eradicating the practice of open defecation and ensuring clean environment. The goal of NBA is to achieve 100% access to sanitation for all rural households by 2022. Under NBA, each district conducts a Baseline Survey and prepares Project Implemenlation Plan (PIPs) at district level. At Government of India level, National Scheme Sanctioning Committee sanctions district PIPs. Each year, State prepares Annual Implementation Plan (AIP) as per their approved district PIPs and the same is finalized in consultation with the Ministry. Annual releases to the States are based on the approved AIPs.

(b ) to (d ) Under the National Rural Drinking Water Programme Government of India supplements the efforts of the States by providing them with technical and financial assistance for providing safe and adequate drinking ualer supply to the rural areas of the country. The mode of implementation of the NRDWP is through State Government Departments/ Boards in charge of rural drinking water supply.

Under the NRDWP, the State Governments are vested with the powers to plan, approve and execute drinking water supply schemes. The State Governments, in consultation with ihe Ministry, prepare Annual Action Plans to implement rural water supply schemes and activities under the programme, to cover partially covered and quality affected habitations with safe and adequate drinking water supply.

The projects/schemes to provide drinking water to the rural population are approved at the level of State level Scheme Sanctioning Committee (SLSSC) in which representative of the Ministry of drinking Water and Sanitation is present to see that the schemes sanctioned/ approved as per the targets set under the annual Action Plan. The schemes/projects regarding rural water supply are not approved at the Central Level. In respect of rural sanitation, 607 district projects have been sanctioned so far under TSC/NBA and are under implementation. The details are given at Annexure 1.

(e) The details of the projects/schemes implemented to provide drinkingwater facilities in the country Statc/UT wise during the last three years and the current year is at Annexure II.

(f) Solid Liquid Waste Management (SLWM) is one of the important components under NBA programme. Activities like compost pits, vermin composting, common and individual biogas plants, low cost drainage, soakage channel/pits, reuse of waste water and system for collection, segregation and disposal of household garbage etc. can be taken up in the states with the assistance available under NBA.

(g) The funds allocated and released to the StateVUTs and expenditure during the last three years and current year under NRDWP is given at Annexure-III.

Since NBA is demand driven programme, hence no state-wise allocation is made. However, the central share released and expenditure reported under the Programme during the last three year the current year, State/UT-wise is at Annexure-IV.

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