(a) the details of Fast Track Courts (FTCs) functioning in the country, State/UT-wise;

(b) the number of cases registered, pending and disposed of in each of these courts since inception of FTCs in 2000, State/UT-wise including Jharkhand;

(c) whether these courts are not fully functioning due to inadequacy of funds and if so, the details thereof alongwith the details of funds allocated and expenditure incurred In setting up of these courts during the last three years and the current year;

(d) whether the Government is contemplating to discard the proposal of fast track courts in the country; and

(e) if so, the details thereof and the reasons therefor?

Answer given by the minister


(a)to(c): Setting up of courts including Fast Track Courts (FTCs) is the responsibility of the State Governments under the Constitution of India. Central funding to States for FTCs, established under the 11th Finance Commission Award, has been discontinued with effect from 1` April, 2011. Some States have continued FTCs beyond 31.03.2011 with their own resources. A statement indicating the number of Fast Track Courts (FTCs) earmarked by 11th Finance Commission In the year 2000, functioning as on 31/03/2005, 31/03/2011 and as per the latest available reports is enclosed at Annexure-I. A statement regarding available informa- tion indicating the number of cases transferred to Fast Track Courts (FTCs), disposed off by FTCs and pending in FTCs is enclosed at Annexure-II.

The Central Government has decided to provide funds upto a maximum of Rs. 80 crore per annum on a matching basis upto 31.03.2015 from the 13th Finance Commission Award for meeting expenditure on salaries of the 10% additional positions of Judges being created in the subordinate Judiciary following the direction of Supreme Court in the case of Brij Mohan Lai Vs. Union of India. The State Governments and Chief Justices of High Courts have been requested to utilise these positions for creation of FTCs also.

(d)&(e): In the Conference of Chief Ministers and Chief Justices held In New Delhi on 7` April, 2013, it has been resolved that the State Governments shall, in consultation with the Chief Justices of the respective High Courts, take necessary steps to establish suitable number of FTCs relating to offences against women, children, differently abled persons, senior citizens and marginalized sections of the society, and provide adequate funds for the purpose of creating and continuing them. Government has requested the State Governments and the Chief Justices of the High Courts to implement this decision.

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