Question : Average Price Rise of Cotton

(a) whether the average price of cotton has risen consistently over the last year;

(b) if so, the details thereof;

(c) the manner in which the rise in prices has affected the textile industry, including the export sector; and

(d) the corrective measures taken by the Government to contain the rise in price?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (d): Cotton prices have increased over the last year owing to market forces and higher international prices. Ministry is constantly engaged with various stakeholders across the cotton value chain in respect of the prices of cotton and cotton yarn to harmonize their interest. Prices are affected by market forces of demand and supply. In addition, cotton being an internationally traded commodity, its price is also affected by the price in the international market. Export of textiles and apparel during April-January 2021-22 is USD 34.459 billion, posting a growth of 49% over the same period in 2020-21 (USD 23.137 billion).

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