Question : National Social Security Council

Will the Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE be pleased to state:

(a) whether National Social Security Council (NSSC) proposes to streamline and make a policy on social security schemes related to Health and Family Welfare Ministry, if so, the details thereof;

(b) whether the NSSC will coordinate between Central and State Governments, monitor the implementation of social security schemes, regulate funds collected under various social security schemes;

(c) if so, the details thereof; and

(d) the details of the contribution made by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare for schemes implemented under the social security schemes?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (c): In line with the recommendation of the Second National Commission of Labour, Ministry of Labour & Employment (MoLE) has taken steps for drafting four Labour Codes on Wages; Industrial Relations; Social Security & Welfare; and Safety and Working Conditions respectively, by simplifying, amalgamating and rationalizing the relevant provisions of the existing Central Labour Laws.

The preliminary draft of the Labour Code on Social Security has been prepared by MoLE and placed on the website for inviting comments/suggestions from public/stakeholders on the draft Code. One of the provisions of the draft Code on Social Security says about constitution of a National Social Security Council of India for the administration of social security. Its proposed functions in the draft Code include regulating schemes of social security that are framed by Central Government, State Government or the Local Bodies; coordinate between the Central and State Government and regulate the funds administered by the Central Boards and the State Boards.

The draft of the Code on Social Security is available at: http:/

(d): Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana (RSBY), a centrally sponsored health insurance scheme is being implemented by this Ministry which covers BPL families (a unit of five) and 11 other defined categories. Enrolled beneficiaries are entitled for health insurance coverage of Rs.30,000/- cashless per annum per family.

The Senior Citizens Health Insurance Scheme (SCHIS) as top up over existing RSBY scheme has been implemented from 01.04.2016 for senior citizens aged 60 years and above. SCHIS provides enhanced coverage of Rs. 30,000 per senior citizen in the family eligible for coverage under RSBY.

During 2016-17, RSBY is being implemented in 14 states and 3,53,41,772 families are enrolled under RSBY.

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