Question : Losses Incurred by DMRC

(a) whether the Delhi Metro Rail Cooperation(DMRC) has suffered losses due to the protests and riots in Delhi and if so, the details thereof;

(b) the quantum of losses suffered by the Government due to closure of metro rail services due to Covid-19 pandemic;

(c) whether the closure of construction of new metro routes has also hampered DMRC finances and ifso, the details thereof;

(d) whether the Government has devised any strategy to mitigate the affect of losses incurred by DMRC and if so, the details thereof; and

(e) the manner in which DMRC is managing/restructuring loan payments?

Answer given by the minister

(a) Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Limited (DMRC) has informed that there was some decline in cumulative ridership due to protests and riots in Delhi.

(b) DMRC has informed that loss of revenue due to closure of metro services in view of Covid-19 pandemic is around Rs. 1,609 crores.

(c) No Sir. Preparatory work like detailed designing, preparation of tender schedule, finalization of tender etc. has been carried out by DMRC during lockdown.

(d) The measures to enhance revenue through various innovative means like provisioning of feeder system, property development at stations and on other land, leasing of spaces, Transit Oriented Development and Value Capture Finance are enumerated in Metro Rail Policy, 2017. Ensuring financial sustainability during operations of metro rail system is responsibility of State Government.

(e) DMRC has informed that payments towards loan have been made as per schedule.


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