Question : Indo-Bangladesh Dialogue on Disaster Management

(a) the details of the outcome of the recently held official dialogue between the Indian and Bangladesh Government delegations on disaster management;

(b) whether the disaster management efforts under the India-Bangladesh cooperation framework suitably cover the North Eastern border States and if so, the details thereof;

(c) the activities planned as part of the decisions following the recent bilateral dialogue;

(d) whether the Eastern and North Eastern States bordering Bangladesh have
been consulted on their requirements which could be taken care of through the Indo-Bangladesh joint measures; and

(e) whether the arsenic poisoning which is a major health issue both in Bangladesh and West Bengal, is likely to be dealt with prophylactically and through mitigation measures within the disaster management cooperation framework and if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a): In the recent past no bilateral official dialogue on disaster management has taken place between India and Bangladesh at Government level.

(b) to (e): Does not arise. However, India held the SAARC Workshop on Sharing Best Practices on 27th November, 2015 combined with the proceedings of South Asian Annual Disaster Management Exercise-2015 (SAADMEx-2015) during 23-26th November, 2015. The Regional Workshop was attended by delegates from all the eight SAARC countries including Bangladesh. Issues pertaining to Best Practices on Disaster Risk Reduction and strengthening of Regional Disaster Response were deliberated by the Member Countries in the Workshop.

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