(a)&(b): Urban Development is a State subject. The State Government is responsible for implementing urban infrastructure schemes. Government supports these efforts through its schemes and programmes. Ministry holds regular review meetings with the representatives of all States Governments to review the progress of these schemes. The State Government also submits Quarterly Progress Report, utilization certificate etc.
(c)to(e): The status of progress regarding projects alongwith reasons for delay, if any, utilization of funds and foreign assistance received under schemes viz. (i) 10% Lumpsum scheme for NER (ii) Urban Infrastructure development in satellite towns around seven mega cities, (iii) NERUDP (iv) Smart Cities Mission (v) Urban Transport (vi) MRTS (vii) JnNURM and (viii) SBM are given at Annexure I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII respectively.
Annexure - I
Annexure-I referred to in reply to part (a) to (e) of the Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No.527 for 27.04.2016.
The scheme started in the Financial Year 2001-02 to provide financial assistance to North Eastern States for Development of Urban Infrastructure. Scheme covers NE States Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Tripura and Sikkim. In the last 12 years, 313 projects worth Rs.3012.32 crore has been sanctioned for the 8 States. Out of 313 Projects, 179 Projects (57%) have been completed so far. State of Assam having a slow progress. The status of each state under the scheme is as under: -
S. No State Number of Project Project Completed Total estimated cost (Rs. in crore) Central Assistance
(Rs. in crore) Released upto
(Rs. in crore)
1 Arunachal Pradesh 78 54 542.31 495.84 388.80
2 Assam 47 9 418.89 384.31 236.56
3 Manipur 23 19 213.65 197.56 150.03
4 Meghalaya 22 11 192.30 186.40 122.61
5 Mizoram 24 15 409.42 402.21 301.64
6 Nagaland 63 37 491.80 444.79 264.41
7 Sikkim 34 21 381.58 365.88 271.83
8 Tripura 22 13 362.33 361.40 275.07
Total 313 179 3012.28 2838.39 2010.95
Reasons for slow progress: NE States are located in a climately disadvantage area. The working season was short due to prolonged rains and snowfall in higher reaches. Many of the projects were also stated that to be located in remote region with poor assess hampering project execution. Further, request for release of fund received from State Govt. are generally not in proper form / supporting documents, resulting in queries raised by Administration, IFD and other sections. Since the correspondence with NE States take longer time the delay is unavoidable. Hence, delay in releasing funds to State Govt. which is one of the reason. It is also pertinent to mention here that in the financial year 2015-16, the 1/3 allocation of the scheme has been curtailed by Ministry of Finance, they have provided only Rs.100 crore in the financial year 2015-16 and 2016-17. Due to shortage of funds the proposals amounting to Rs.170 crore for ongoing projects are pending from the last 9-12 months period. This also causes delay in executing the project.
The budget allocation and fund released to States during the last three year and current year is as under:
S. No Name of State 2013-14
(Rs. In crore) 2014-15
(Rs. In crore) 2015-16
(Rs. In crore) 2016-17
(Rs. In crore)
Budget Allocation 150 150 100 100
Actual Expenditure 124.82 150 100 -
1 Arunachal Pradesh 45.03 43.26 31.93 -
2 Assam 6.21 12.08 6.28 -
3 Manipur 3.84 0 20.74 -
4 Meghalaya 18.08 15.55 0 -
5 Mizoram 15.77 32.77 10.96 -
6 Nagaland 11.97 21.74 13.8 -
7 Sikkim 8.06 24.60 6.55 -
8 Tripura 15.86 0 9.74 -
Foreign Assistance - No foreign assistance has been taken in this scheme.
Annexure - II
Annexure-II referred to in reply to part (a) to (e) of the Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No.527 for 27.04.2016.
The pilot scheme of UIDSST was approved midway during the 11th Plan in July, 2009 with a total outlay of Rs.500 crore. The scheme aimed at providing basic urban infrastructure in selected satellite towns around seven mega cities with the overall objective of ameliorating pressure on mega cities by improving infrastructure and reforms in the selected towns. Scheme covers seven satellite towns viz. Vikarabad (Telangana), Sanand (Gujarat), Sonepat (Haryana), Hoskote (Karnataka), Vasai-Virar (Maharashtra), Sriperumbudur (Tamil Nadu), Pilkhuwa (Uttar Pradesh). Under this scheme, 17 projects with a total outlay of Rs.631.07 crore have been sanctioned so far. Out of Rs.631.07 crore, Central share is Rs.500 Crore. Out of 17 Projects, so far only three projects have been completed. Rest of the projects are under various stages of progress. It has been decided that no new project will be taken up under the scheme. Only committed liability is to be fulfilled.
The budget allocation and fund released to States during the last three year and current year is as under:
S. No Name of State Name of the City 2013-14
(Rs. In crore) 2014-15
(Rs. In crore) 2015-16
(Rs. In crore) 2016-17
(Rs. In crore)
Budget Allocation 70 82.2 70 70
Actual Expenditure 69.02 82.19 70 -
1 Telangana Vikarabad 20.98 12.95 14.01 -
2 Gujarat Sananad 7.08 30.24 6.69 -
3 Haryana Sonipat 27.82 13.91 -
4 Karnataka Hoskote - 7.34 -
5 Maharashtra Vasai-virar - 13.24 10.36 -
-*6 Tamil Nadu Sriperumdudur 9.03 20.28 12.13 -
7 Uttar Pradesh Pilkhuwa 4.11 5.48 5.56 -
Foreign Assistance - No foreign assistance has been taken in this scheme.
S. No. Name of the Project Year of Sanction Estimated Amount
( lakh) Sanctioned Amount
(Rs. in lakh) Total Amount released ( lakh) Physical progress (%) Target would be achieved Reasons for slow progress (critical project)
1 2 3 4 5 7 9 10
1 UP (Pilkhuwa)
Pilkhuwa Sewerage Scheme 2010-11 3687.51 2950.01 2905.00 99 30.06.2016 No issue
2 Municipal Solid Waste Management Scheme for Pilkhuwa Town 2010-11 897.7 718.16 538.62 60 31.12.2016 Earlier there was a land issue which has now resolved.
3 GIS Base Map & Household survey for Pilkhuwa Town 2011-12 29.3 29.3 14.64 70 30.06.2016 No issue
4 MAHARASHTRA (Vasai-Virar)
Underground Sewerage Scheme for Vasai-Virar Sub Region STP-2 2011-12 6622.63 5298.1 3050.50 80 30.09.2016 Laying of network is going on. However, the site conditions are restricting the pace of work progress. Vasai-Virar City Municipal Corporation (VVCMC) proposes to Part commission the project by March 2016.
5 Integrated Solid Waste Management for Vasai Virar 2010-11 3172.64 2538.12 1903.59 60 30.09.2016 Due to the current site conditions, the VVCMC General Body Council has proposed to change the waste processing technology with internal changes of project components while keeping the same project cost. The State Govt was advised to submit the change proposal.
6 TELANGANA (Vikarabad)
Under Ground Drainage Scheme, Vikarabad 2010-11 6474 5179 3885.00 95 30.09.2016 The project has been delayed due to Telengana Agitation and delay in handing over site for the STP. Presently no issue.
7 Water Supply Improvement Scheme, Vikarabad 2010-11 7009 5607 5607 98 30.09.2016 The project has been delayed due to Telengana agitation and delay in handing over sites for 2 ELSRs. Presently no issue.
8 HARYANA(Sonepat)
Municipal Solid Waste Management Scheme for Sonepat Town 2010-11 2496 1996.8 499.20 5 31.12.2016 Initially, there was land litigation and finally State Govt. has purchased 20 Acre land at a new site of the project within the extended municipal limits. The revised municipal area is approximately 188 Acres from erstwhile 28.8 Acres. State Govt. has been advised to expedite course correction proposal for consideration of MoUD.
9 Augmentation of Water Supply by Ranney Well, Sonepat 2010-11 6958 5566.4 5566.40 75 31.06.2016 No issue
10 GUJARAT (Sanand)
Sewerage System of Sanand Town 2010-11 5848.68 4678.94 3509.21 55 31.12.2016 Project is stalled due to TP Scheme finalization for alignment of the Trunk mains. The State Govt. is taking up the matter with the officers of AUDA to resolve the issue.
11 Water Supply System of Sanand Town 2010-11 3320.86 2656.69 2656.68 70 31.03.2016 Project is stalled due to TP Scheme finalization for alignment of the rising mains. The State Govt. is taking up the matter with the officers of Ahmedabad Urban Development Authority (AUDA) to resolve the issue.
12 TAMILNADU (Sriperumbudur) Comprehensive Water Supply Scheme for Sriperumbudur 2011-12 4071 3256.8 2442.60 80 31.03.2016 No issue
13 Under Ground sewerage Scheme, Sripermbudur 2011-12 5622 4497.6 3373.20 80 31.03.2016 There was a issue in lying of 5.5 Km trunk main under the National Highway Authority of India (NHAI). The State Govt. was advised to intimate the details to MoUD so that Ministry will take up the matter with NHAI.
14 KARNATAKA (Hoskote) Underground Sewerage Scheme for Hoskote Town 2011-12 4072.84 2767.12 1383.56 62 31.12.2016 Presently no issue.
Annexure-III referred to in reply to part (a) to (e) of the Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No.527 for 27.04.2016.
North Eastern Region Urban Development Programme (NERUDP)
The Ministry of Urban Development (MoUD) is implementing the North Eastern Region Urban Development Programme (NERUDP) with the financial assistance from Asian Development Bank (ADB) covering capital cities of 5 North Eastern States viz. Agartala (Tripura), Aizawl (Mizoram), Gangtok (Sikkim), Kohima (Nagaland), and Shillong (Meghalaya) for Water Supply, Sewerage, and Solid Waste Management.
The following projects of the Scheme are running in slow pace :
Part of the NERUDP Scheme Reason for slow progress
Shillong (Meghalaya) SWM project – development of landfill site: Poor performance of the Contractor
Agartala (Tripura) Water Supply – construction of 5 overhead tanks Poor performance of the Contractor
Review of progress - The Ministry of Urban Development and Deptt. of Economic Affairs in coordination with Asian Development Bank regularly monitor the progress. The State Govts advised to terminate the slow progressing projects. The project executing agencies in the State Govts of Meghalaya and Tripura have re-tendered the projects.
Non-utilisation of funds - Funds are released to the project States as reimbursement of expenditure incurred by them on project execution.
Achievement against targets - The scheme started is scheduled for completion by 2019. Current status is as given below:
i. Following projects (2009-2016) have been executed and completed
Sl. No. State City Projects executed and completed
1 Mizoram Aizawl Water Supply
2 Sikkim Gangtok Water Supply
3 Tripura Agartala Water Supply
4 Nagaland Kohima Water Supply, and Solid Waste Management
ii. Following projects are under execution to be completed by 2018
Sl. No. State City Projects under execution
1 Mizoram Aizawl Water Supply, Sewage
2 Sikkim Gangtok Water Supply, Solid Waste Management
3 Tripura Agartala Water Supply
4 Nagaland Kohima Water Supply, and Solid Waste Management
5 Meghalaya Shillong Solid Waste Management
iii. Following projects have been sanctioned which are to be completed by 2019 :
Sl.No. State City Projects sanctioned
1 Tripura Agartala Water Supply, Solid Waste Management, and Septage Management
2 Mizoram Aizawl Water Supply, Solid Waste Management, and Septage Management
3 Meghalaya Shillong Solid Waste Management Extension
Foreign assistance - 70% of the cost of the scheme is being provided as loan by the Asian Development Bank to the Government of India for implementation of the Scheme in the project States during the project period from 2009 to 2019.
Annexure-IV referred to in reply to part (a) to (e) of the Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No.527 for 27.04.2016.
The Government of India has launched Smart Cities Mission on 25 June 2015. The winners of first round (20 cities) have been announced in the last week of January, 2016. The list of winner of first round (rank-wise) is as under:-
Rank No. Name of State/ UT Name of the City
1 Odhisa Bhubaneswar
2 Maharashtra Pune
3 Rajasthan Jaipur
4 Gujarat Surat
5 Kerala Kochi
6 Gujarat Ahmedabad
7 Madhya Pradesh Jabalpur
8 Andhra Pradesh Visakhapatnam
9 Maharashtra Solapur
10 Karnataka Davanagere
11 Madhya Pradesh Indore
12 Delhi NDMC
13 Tamil Nadu Coimbatore
14 Andhra Pradesh Kakinada
15 Karnataka Belagavi
16 Rajasthan Udaipur
17 Assam Guwahati
18 Tamil Nadu Chennai
19 Punjab Ludhiana
20 Madhya Pradesh Bhopal
Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs) have been created and incorporated by 13 cities out of 20 wining cities. The Mission is running as per schedule.
During 2015-16 the target of selecting 20 Smart Cities was achieved.
Foreign assistance - In terms of mutual understanding between the Ministry, States/UTs and Foreign Agencies, this Ministry is facilitating execution of Memorandum of Understandings (MoUs)/ Agreements between Foreign Agencies and States/UTs for assistance under Smart Cities Mission. Presently, following MoUs/Agreements have been executed between foreign agencies and States/UTs:
Name of Foreign Agency State/UT City Date of MoU/
1 US Trade & Development Agency (USTDA) Andhra Pradesh
Uttar Pradesh
Rajasthan Visakha-patnam,
Ajmer 25.01.2015
2 French Agency for Development (AFD) Maharashtra
Puducherry Nagpur
Oulgaret 24.12.2015
Moreover, various countries namely, Spain, Canada, Germany, China, Singapore, UK and South Korea have also shown interest to participate in the development of smart cities.
Annexure-V referred to in reply to part (a) to (e) of the Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No.527 for 27.04.2016.
The following projects are funded under Urban Transport:
(i) Bus funding project sanctioned under erstwhile Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JnNURM) scheme.
(ii) World Bank-GEF-UNDP assisted Sustainable Urban Transport Project (SUTP).
During the transition phase of Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JnNURM) i.e. 2013-14, Ministry sanctioned financial assistance for procurement of 7509 buses to 18 States and 25 ancillary infrastructure projects to 2 States. After expiry of JnNURM Scheme, funding for these projects is available under AMRUT till 31.03.2017. The project is slow in the following States:
(Rs. in Crore)
S. No.
States Release of ACA for No. of buses
Project cost Eligible ACA 1st Installment released during 2014-15 No. of buses procured so far
1 Bihar 526 112.37 67.42 44.92 0
2 Punjab 20 3.98 2.39 1.59 0
3 Rajasthan 280 123.19 61.58 30.79 0
4 Karnataka 1701 618.91 307.28 194.28 239
Ministry of Urban Development has requested the above mentioned States to expedite the procurement of buses.
The detail of 7509 buses sanctioned to 18 States covering 114 cities- cluster of cities and their procurement status is as under:
S. No. State City No. of Buses Sanctioned Buses delivered so far
1 Andhra Pradesh Vishakhapatnam 40 17
2 Vijaywada 40 13
3 Tirupathi 120 59
4 Kadapa 40 01
5 Guntur 60 60
6 Chittoor 30 18
7 Anantpur 40 01
8 Assam Guwahati 330 227
9 Bihar
Purnea 55 0
10 Darbhanga 47 0
11 Katihar 32 0
12 Bhagalpur 49 0
13 Bairgania- Sheohar 51 0
14 Madhepura 50 0
15 Aurangabad-Arwal Cluster 40 0
16 Siwan 45 0
17 Jehanabad-Nawada Cluster 40 0
18 Gaya 21 0
19 Munger 30 0
20 Bhabhua- Sasaram Cluster 30 0
21 Begusarai 36 0
22 Chhattisgarh Dhamtari Cluster 10 10
23 Kanker Cluster 10 10
24 Ambikapur Cluster 35 35
25 Jashpurnagar Cluster 5 5
26 Chirmiri Cluster 7 7
27 Dhamdha Cluster 5 5
28 Khairagarh Cluster 6 6
29 Raipur Cluster 20 20
30 Rajnandgaon Cluster 20 20
31 Raigarh Cluster 20 20
32 Bhilai Durg Cluster 35 35
33 Jagdalpur Cluster 10 10
34 Bilaspur Cluster 25 25
35 Korba Cluster 40 40
36 Janjgir Naila Cluster 10 10
37 Mahasamund Cluster 5 5
38 Kondagaon Cluster 5 5
39 Dantewada Cluster 5 5
40 Kawardha Cluster 10 10
41 Gobranayapara Cluster 4 4
42 Baloda Bazar Cluster 5 5
43 Chandigarh Chandigarh 170 170
44 Goa Panaji 50 28
45 Himachal Pradesh
Una-Amb-Santokhgarh Cluster 40
46 Dharamshala Kangra Nagrota Sri Chamundajee Cluster 90
47 Kullu – Manali Cluster 30
48 Nurpur – Jassur Cluster 30
49 Mandi – Sunder Nagar Joginder Nagar Cluster 100
50 Nahan Ponta Sahib Cluster 20
51 Chamba Dalhousie Cluster 75
52 Rampur Rohru Cluster 70
53 Baijnath-Palampur- Joginder Nagar Cluster 80
54 Nalagarh-Baddi- Parwanoo Cluster 35
55 Hamirpur – Jwalamukhi Cluster 90
56 Bilaspur-Ghumarwin- Sunder Nagar Cluster 50
57 Shimla – Solan Cluster 90
58 Karnataka
Bangalore 500 0
59 Mysore 93 10
60 Hubli Dharwad 250 0
61 Davangere 50 0
62 Kolar & KGF 40 0
63 Tumkur 40 0
64 Bellary 30 30
65 Bidar 20 20
66 Bijapur 35 35
67 Gulbarga 75 0
68 Raichur 35 35
69 Yadgir 14 14
70 Hospet 30 30
71 Koppal 20 20
72 Sindhnur 20 20
73 Gangavathi 25 25
74 Belgaum 50 0
75 Sirsi 20 0
76 Begalkot 20 0
77 Chikodi 20 0
78 Karwar 20 0
79 Harvery 10 0
80 Ranebechur 20 0
81 Mandaya 30 0
82 Ramnagara 20 0
83 Chitradurga 24 0
84 Simoga 55 0
85 Bhadravati 35 0
86 Mangalore & Udupi 65 0
87 Hassan 35 0
88 Kerala Cluster-I 100 281
89 Cluster-II 85
90 Cluster-III 30
91 Cluster-IV 85
92 Cluster-V 100
93 Maharashtra
Navi Mumbai 185 80
94 Solapur 200 144
95 Mira-Bhaindar 90 28
96 Kalyan Dombivli 185 69
97 Thane 220 30
98 Vasai Virar 100 25
99 Kolhapur 75 75
100 Meghalaya Shillong 240 126
101 Punjab Bathinda 20 0
102 Puducherry Puducherry 50 10
103 Rajasthan Jaipur 280 0
104 Sikkim Gangtok 41 12
105 Telangana
Hyderabad 80 80
106 Mahbub Nagar 30 08
107 Khammam 30 12
108 Karim Nagar 70 18
109 Tripura Agartala 100 34
110 West Bengal
Kolkata 632 632
111 Siliguri (NBSTC) 80 124
112 Jalpaiguri (NBSTC) 60
113 Asansol (SBSTC) 60 77
114 Durgapur (SBSTC) 42
Total 7509
Foreign assistance –
Sustainable Urban Transport Project (SUTP) – Ministry is implementing the Sustainable Urban Transport Project (SUTP) in five demonstration cities namely Pimpri-Chinchwad, Naya Raipur, Indore, Mysore and Hubli-Dharwad which is assisted by the World Bank, United Nation Development Project (UNDP) and Global Environment Facility (GEF). The details of the assistance received from funding agencies are as under:
(Rs. in Crore)
Funding Agency Total Project Cost Fund released upto 29.02.2016
IBRD (Loan through World Bank) 629.82 270.23
GEF (Grant through World Bank & UNDP) 135.00 76.74
Annexure-VI referred to in reply to part (a) to (e) of the Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No.527 for 27.04.2016.
Metro Rail Projects being implemented on 50:50 Joint Venture between Government of India and respective State Governments are Board run companies which are also represented by nominees of Government of India. The progress of the project is monitored regularly by the Board of Directors of the Company. Details are given below:
Name of the Project Amount of Loan
Japan International Co-operation agency
(Rs. in crore) Agency Francaise
Development Asian Development Bank
(Rs. in crore) European Investment Bank KfW
1. Delhi Mass Rapid Transport System Phase-III 19,335.00 - - -
2. Bangalore Metro Rail Project 2,739.00 310.00
Million Euros - -
3. Chennai Metro Rail Project 8,646.00 - - -
4. Kochi Metro Rail Project - 180.00 Million Euros - -
5. Mumbai Metro Line-3 (Colba-Bandra-SEEPZ) Corridor 13,235.00 - - -
6. Lucknow Metro Rail Project - - - 450.00 Million Euros
7. Ahmadabad Metro Rail Project 5,968.00
- - -
8. Nagpur Metro Rail Project - 130.00 Million Euros 500.00 Million Euros
Foreign assistance – Details are given below:
Project Physical Progress of the Project Financial Progress of the Project Expected date of completion
Delhi Metro Phase-III and its extensions 71.5% 58.54% Dec, 2016 in phases
Bangalore Metro Rail Project Phase-1 98% 96.41% June, 2016
Bangalore Metro Rail Project Phase 2 1% 1.88% March, 2020
Chennai Metro Rail Project 86% 81.82% Dec., 2017
Kochi Metro Rail Project 72% 53% June, 2017
Ahmadabad Metro Rail Project 12% 11% March, 2018
Nagpur Metro Rail Project 10% 7%
Lucknow Metro Rail Project 26.54% 28.84% March, 2019
in phases
Mumbai Metro (Line –III) Preliminary work started Funds released by GoI Rs.36.60 cr Equity and Rs 30.32 cr as Subordinate Debt Dec., 2020
Annexure-VII referred to in reply to part (a) to (e) of the Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No.527 for 27.04.2016.
It is mentioned that JnNURM has come to an end on 31.03.2014. However some of the eligible projects under the schemes are eligible for funding till 31.03.2017. There are 102 projects which were approved in the Mission Phase and 296 projects in transition phase are eligible for funding under AMRUT Mission. The eligible projects are in progress and implementation is being done by concerned State Governments.
Foreign Assistance - No foreign assistance has been taken in this scheme.
Annexure-VIII referred to in reply to part (a) to (e) of the Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No.527 for 27.04.2016.
The Government of India has launched Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM) on 2nd October, 2014 with the aim of making the country clean by 2nd October, 2019. As part of this, Ministry of Urban Development is implementing Swachh Bharat Mission (Urban). Details of financial assistance / grants released to the State Governments/UTs during 2014-15 and 2015-16 is as under:
Fund released to States Governments /UTs under Swachh Bharat Mission (Urban)
during Financial Year 2014-15
Sl. No. State/UT SWM IHHT+CT IEC CB Total
1 Andhra Pradesh 21.0200 13.7600 4.1700 1.0500 40.0000
2 Arunachal Pradesh 6.8400 1.3000 0.9800 0.2400 9.3600
3 Assam 0.2000 0.0200 0.0100 0.2300
4 Bihar 24.6600 8.1400 3.9400 0.9800 37.7200
5 Chhattisgarh 26.7800 3.2100 0.8000 30.7900
6 Delhi 4.3800 2.2600 0.8400 0.0500 7.5300
7 Goa 1.7000 1.0600 0.3300 0.0800 3.1700
8 Gujarat 51.9586 4.2700 1.0700 57.2986
9 Haryana 12.5700 3.0100 1.8700 0.4700 17.9200
10 Himachal Pradesh 3.0000 3.0200 6.0200
11 Jammu & Kashmir 10.9000 1.9300 1.5400 0.3800 14.7500
12 Jharkhand 9.3300 3.9500 1.5900 0.4000 15.2700
13 Karnataka 69.5700 8.3500 2.0900 80.0100
14 Kerala 16.6800 2.0000 0.5000 19.1800
15 Madhya Pradesh 18.5758 1.9600 0.4900 21.0258
16 Maharashtra 117.3900 14.0900 3.5200 135.0000
17 Manipur 9.6100 0.1400 1.1700 0.2900 11.2100
18 Meghalaya 2.9800 0.5400 0.4200 0.1100 4.0500
19 Mizoram 8.2100 0.3000 1.0200 0.2600 9.7900
20 Nagaland 6.6800 2.4700 1.1000 0.2700 10.5200
21 Odisha 1.2300 0.1600 0.0400 1.4300
22 Puducherry 1.0000 0.7030 0.2000 0.0500 1.9530
23 Punjab 23.0000 13.0000 4.3200 1.0800 41.4000
24 Rajasthan 33.6500 19.1600 6.3400 1.5800 60.7300
25 Sikkim 2.5200 0.1656 0.3200 0.0800 3.0856
26 Tamil Nadu 13.1300 6.4900 12.3600 3.0900 35.0700
27 Telangana 15.2200 9.9500 3.0200 0.7600 28.9500
28 Uttar Pradesh 37.5600 37.2800 8.9900 2.2400 86.0700
29 Uttarakhand 5.0000 0.5100 0.3300 0.1000 5.9400
30 West Bengal 34.5400 21.1200 6.6800 1.6700 64.0100
TOTAL 287.5000 452.6430 95.5900 23.7500 859.4830
Fund released to States Governments /UTs under Swachh Bharat Mission (Urban)
during Financial Year 2015-16
(Rs. In Crores)
Sl. No. State/UT IHHL CT SWM IEC CB Total
1 A&N Islands 0.0230 0.0321 0.0648 0.0144 0.0036 0.1379
2 Andhra Pradesh 65.4804 3.9546 0.0000 3.0000 0.7500 73.1850
3 Arunachal Pradesh 1.2104 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.2104
4 Assam 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
5 Bihar 20.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 20.0000
6 Chandigarh 0.3700 0.1300 0.9800 0.1800 0.0400 1.7000
7 Chhattisgarh 19.9974 7.0800 8.7941 0.0000 0.0000 35.8715
8 Dadra & Nagar Haveli 0.0850 0.0468 0.0000 0.0000 0.0300 0.1618
9 Daman & Diu 0.1344 0.0013 0.0000 0.0000 0.0600 0.1957
10 Delhi 27.9700 0.0000 58.7300 10.3600 0.1600 97.2200
11 Goa 1.4040 0.1184 0.0000 1.4150 0.1092 3.0466
12 Gujarat 81.2726 0.0000 0.0000 19.5000 5.8350 106.6076
13 Haryana 11.6476 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 11.6476
14 Himachal Pradesh 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.7200 0.1800 0.9000
15 Jammu & Kashmir 4.5700 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 4.5700
16 Jharkhand 18.9000 0.0000 0.0000 3.6350 1.4269 23.9619
17 Karnataka 30.8600 0.0000 39.1400 0.0000 0.0000 70.0000
18 Kerala 14.9900 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 14.9900
19 Madhya Pradesh 58.5142 15.5400 52.9300 7.0600 1.7600 135.8042
20 Maharashtra 44.6000 0.0000 42.4300 0.0000 0.0000 87.0300
21 Manipur 1.6450 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.6450
22 Meghalaya 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
23 Mizoram 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0700 1.0700
24 Nagaland 3.2030 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 3.2030
25 Odisha 21.9400 0.0000 0.0000 2.6732 0.0000 24.6132
26 Puducherry 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
27 Punjab 15.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 15.0000
28 Rajasthan 41.7500 3.2500 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 45.0000
29 Sikkim 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.3796 0.3796
30 Tamil Nadu 47.1074 0.0000 83.3900 0.0000 0.0000 130.4974
31 Telangana 29.1500 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 29.1500
32 Tripura 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
33 Uttar Pradesh 82.2292 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 82.2292
34 Uttarakhand 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.3300 0.0700 1.4000
35 West Bengal 53.5200 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 53.5200
Total 699.5736 30.1532 286.4589 48.8876 10.8743 1075.9476
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