Question : Offshore Wind Energy Generation

(a) whether the Government has identified several places for offshore wind energy generations in Tamil Nadu and Gujarat and if so, the details thereof;
(b) whether the Government has also estimated that the offshore wind energy has potential to generate around 70,000 Megawatt of power in coastal areas of these two states and if so, the details thereof;
(c) whether the Government has conducted any survey in this regard;
(d) if so, the details thereof; and
(e) the steps taken/being taken by the Government to develop offshore wind energy projects in Tamil Nadu

Answer given by the minister

(a) Based on the preliminary studies carried out by the National Institute of Wind Energy (NIWE) in collaboration with various multilateral agencies, the Government has identified eight zones each off the coast of Gujarat and Tamil Nadu as potential offshore wind energy zones. Maps showing these identified zones are attached as ANNEXURE-I.
(b) Based on meso scale mapping, it is estimated that, approximately 36 Giga Watt (GW) offshore wind power potential exists off the coast of Gujarat and 31 GW offshore wind power potential exists off the coast of Tamil Nadu.
(c) & (d) Yes Sir. The National Institute of Wind Energy (NIWE), Chennai had commissioned a LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) equipment in November, 2017 for measurement of wind resource off the coast of Gujarat. Wind measurement data collection for two years has been completed and also validated with a ground mounted wind monitoring station at Jafrabad, Gujarat. NIWE has already published a report based on two years of collected data from the LiDAR. Further, required geophysical study for an area of about 365 Sq. km has been completed along with geotechnical studies for five bore holes in gulf of Khambhat, off Gujarat Coast. A rapid Environment Impact Assessment study has also been conducted through the National Institute of Oceanography for proposed one GW offshore wind energy project off Gujarat Coast.
(e) The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy has already allocated required budget to NIWE for installation/Commissioning of three LiDARs off the coast of Tamil Nadu in Gulf of Mannar for carrying out offshore wind measurements at specific locations along with geotechnical investigations. Installation of LiDAR off Tamil Nadu coast could not be done in April, 2018 because of opposition from local fisherman community. NIWE has once again initiated the process of getting required clearances from various agencies for alternative locations.

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