(a) to (e): A statement is placed on the table of the House.
Statement referred to in reply to parts (a) to (e) of the Lok Sabha Starred Question No. 163
raised by Shri A. Ganeshamurthi and Shri Eknath M. Gaikwad regarding Companies Suspended From
Trading due for answer on 08.03.2013
1125 companies were suspended from trading during the period April 1, 2009 to February 25,
2013 mainly due to non-compliance with the listing agreement and also due to non-payment of
listing fees. Year-wise data on suspension of companies from trading in various exchanges
is given below:
Name of the Exchange 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012- 13 Total (upto 25- 02-2013)
BSE Ltd. (BSE) NIL 75 24 144 243
National Stock (NSE) 9 7 6 10 32
Exchange of India Ltd.
U.P. Stock Exchange 1 NIL 8 9 18
Ltd (UPSE)
Ahmedabad Stock 370 NIL NIL NIL 370
Exchange Ltd. (ASE)
Bhubaneshwar Stock NIL NIL 29 NIL 29
Exchange Ltd. (BhSE)
Madhya Pradesh Stock NIL NIL 195 NIL 195
Exchange Ltd. (MPSE)
Calcutta Stock 1 1 97 46 145
Exchange Ltd. (CSE)
Madras Stock 39 1 53 NIL 93
Exchange Ltd. (MSE)
Total 420 84 412 209 1125
The details of the companies suspended from Stock Exchanges are given on the websites of the
respective Stock Exchanges. Of the 1125 companies suspended, 705 Companies have been suspended
by the Regional Stock Exchanges where there is no trading. Remaining 420 companies have been
suspended by NSE, BSE and CSE (Trading Exchanges). Of these 420 companies, suspension for 148
companies has been revoked by the Exchanges. Details thereto are given below:
Number of companies whose suspension from trading has been revoked 5 109 34
The Stock Exchanges have laid out a framework and follow certain procedure before suspending
companies from trading. The Exchange gives adequate notice to the market participants, including
investors, about the proposed suspension / revocation. In case of suspension of trading of
shares of a company by the Stock Exchange, the scrip would no longer be traded on that exchange
till such time of suspension. Accordingly, an investor may not be able to buy or sell the shares
through that Stock Exchange where the scrip is suspended. However, the investor will be able to
encash the value of shares whose trading is suspended if they are able to find a willing buyer
for the shares, outside the exchange platform. Further, the company whose shares have been
suspended will not be able to raise capital during the period under suspension.
Periodically, the Stock Exchanges disclose the details of compliance or otherwise by the listed
companies with respect to various requirements of Listing Agreement including those relating to
corporate governance, on their website for the information of the companies and investors. The
Exchanges also display on their website, every quarter, the name of the promoters, directors
and compliance officer (alongwith their PAN and DIN) of the listed companies who have failed
to comply with any clause of the listing agreement. SEBI and Exchanges also impart education
to investing public on a regular basis to observe due diligence before investing in securities
listed in the stock market. The awareness material provided by SEBI, inter-alia, includes
doâs and donâts for the investing public and gives details on the issues that an investor
needs to focus on while investing, such as risk factors pertaining to the issue, IPO Grading
/Credit rating, business overview, background of promoters, outstanding litigations and
defaults, if any etc. Further, it also gives details about the rights and responsibilities
of the investors.