(a) the details of peace restoration campaigns being under taken by the armed forces in various countries till date, country-wise;

(b) the number of Indian soldiers killed therein, country-wise;

(c) whether the United Nations (UN) has to make payment to the Indian Army for this work; and

(d) if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a): The details of the participation of Indian Armed Forces in UN Missions for peace restoration till date are at Appendix A. The Indian Armed Forces are presently participating in four UN Peacekeeping Missions as per details below:

S.No	Name of Mission	No. of personnel
1	Congo (MONUSCO)	3768
2	Lebanon (UNIFIL)	899
3	South Sudan (UNMISS)	2004
4	Golan Heights (UNDOF)	194
(b): A total number of 70 soldiers have been killed till date in action during the operations in UN Peacekeeping Missions. The details are as under:-

1. Democratic Republic of Congo (MONUSCO) 08 2. South Sudan (UNMISS) 06 3. Egypt (Sinai) (UNEFI) 14 4. Congo (ONUC) 28 5. Sierra Leone 01 6. UNOSOM-II (Somalia) 12 7 UNTAC (Cambodia) 01
(c): Yes, Madam.

(d): At present, UN reimburses at the rate of 1028 US Dollars per month for each contingent member during the period of deployment in UN Mission. In addition, UN also reimburses for the equipment deployed in these missions based on the MoU / LoA signed between Govt of India and UN.