(a) The nuclear electricity generation is about 3% of the total electricity generation
in the country.
(b) The current installed nuclear power capacity is 4120 MWe, about 3% of the total
installed capacity. The capacity at the end of the year and actual generation of
electricity during the last three years are:
Station / Year 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 Capacity(MWe) Generation (MUs)Capacity (MWe) Generation(MUs) Capacity (MWe) Generation (MUs)
Tarapur Atomic Power Station (TAPS) 320 2587 860 3667 1400 6501
Rajasthan Atomic Power Station (RAPS) 740 4743 740 4440 740 3668
Madras Atomic Power Station (MAPS) 440 1482 440 1852 440 2622
Narora Atomic Power Station (NAPS) 440 2760 440 2138 440 1024
Kakrapar Atomic Power Station (KAPS) 440 2513 440 2367 440 2446
Kaiga Generating Station (KGS) 440 2926 440 2860 440 2541
1) MAPS-1 under Renovation and Modernization from 20.8.2003 to 17.01.2006
2) RAPS-1 shutdown from 9.10.2004 for review of continuation of operation.
3) TAPS-4 commenced commercial operation on 12.09.2005.
4) NAPS-1 under Renovation and Modernization from 01.11.05
5) TAPS-3 commenced commercial operation on 18.09.2006.
(c) The nuclear share in developed countries like France- 78%, Germany-32%, Japan-30%,
Korea- 39%, UK- 18% & USA- 19% is high, while that in developing countries like Brazil-3%,
China-2% is comparable to that of India.
(d) The present installed capacity of 4120 MWe will reach 7280 MWe by completion of the
projects under construction by the year 2011. Work is also at hand to take up construction
of additional nuclear power plants.