(a) Special Cleanliness Campaign under Swachh Bharat Abhiyan was launched on Indian Railways on 2nd October, 2014. Regular intensive campaigns/drives have been organised since then over the Indian Railways with the sole objective towards significant and sustainable improvements in cleanliness standards of Trains and Railway premises, including Railway stations. Some of the major initiatives taken by Indian Railways towards sanitation/cleanliness are as follows:
(i) Pace of fitment of bio-toilets in coaches has been increased. More than 25000 bio-toilets were fitted in the last two years and target for this year is 30,000. Fitment of Bio-toilets in coaches will prevent discharge of human waste during train journeys directly onto the track.
(ii) The facility of On-Board Cleaning has been extended to more than 780 trains which is being monitored through a closed loop ‘APP’ based passenger feedback system.
(iii) Railways is resorting to SMS-based, web-based and APP-based complaint redressal system. Daily IVRS-based passenger feedback is randomly being taken from about 1 lakh passengers.
(iv) To assess the impact of cleanliness efforts at major stations, a third party survey on cleanliness indicators has been done at 407 stations this year generating 1.3 lac passenger responses.
(v) Integrated Housekeeping Contracts are being put in place at major stations progressively to promote use of Mechanised Cleaning equipment and Quality materials.
(vi) Additional toilets at Railway Stations including Pay & Use toilets.
(vii) Enforcement of Indian Railways (Penalties for activities affecting cleanliness at railway premises) Rules, 2012 has been intensified.
(viii) Extending use of CCTVs for monitoring cleanliness activities at major stations.
(ix) Weekly intensive cleanliness drives have been undertaken at various Railway stations in rotation by Zonal Railways.
(x) Various theme-based drives have been undertaken from time to time with focus on cleanliness in different areas of Railways.
(b) & (c) Yes, Madam. Railways undertake regular drives to create awareness among passengers on cleanliness through print and electronic media, posters, signages, public announcements etc. In addition to this, 16 Charitable Institutions/Social Organisations including voluntary organisations have been associated to undertake cleanliness awareness campaign at 70 selected stations. Efforts are also being made through social media to encourage and motivate rail users and passengers to adopt clean practices and help Railways in maintaining cleanliness on trains and stations.
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