Question : Demarcation of Hazard Line

(a) whether the Government has ignored the demarcation of hazard line toallow commercial establishments in the coastal areas under the Coastal Regulation Zone Notification, 2018;
(b) if so, the details thereof; and
(c) the details of the availableenvironment safeguards for fishingcommunities in the CRZ notification;2018?

Answer given by the minister


(a)&(b) No sir. The hazard line has not been removed from the CRZ Notification issued vide GSR 37 (E), dated 18.01.2019. The hazard line is a projection of impact due to sea level rise, and shoreline changes over a long period of time viz. over 100 years and is required to be used by the States agencies concerned as a tool for Disaster Management for the coastal environment, including planning of adaptive and mitigation measures. The hazard line for the entire coast of the country has been mapped and is required to be featured in the Coastal Zone Management Plans for respective States / UTs as per the CRZ Notification, 2019.

(c) A national strategy for coastal protection along with guidelines for coastal protection measures have been framed for all Coastal States and Union Territories by the Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change. The Government of India in July, 2015 have approved the implementation of World Bank assisted Integrated Coastal Zone Management Project in 10 coastal States in phase- II. The project is aimed at preparation of integrated coastal zone management plan for selected coastline stretched of these states through community participation including fishing communities, capacity building and institutional development in the area of coastal management. The CRZ Notification,

2011 permit construction / reconstruction of dwelling units of traditional coastal communities including fisher folk even between 100 and 200 meters from the High Tide Line along the seafront subject to certain conditions. The new CRZ regulations issued in supersession of the CRZ Notification, 2011 on 18.01.2019 has permitted construction or reconstruction of dwelling units of traditional coastal communities including fisher folk within NDZ in CRZ-III areas. In addition, the new regulations have permitted local communities including fishermen to facilitate tourism through ‘home stay’ without changing the plinth area or design or façade of the existing houses.


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