Question : Schools for Divyangs

(a) whether the Government proposes to sanction/open some new schools in rural and urban areas
in the country for special/mentally challenged divyang students;
(b) if so, the details thereof; and
(c) the other measures taken by the Government for divyang students in this regard?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b): No, Sir. There is no provision in the Ministry of Human Resource Development to
sanction/open new schools for special/mentally challenged divyang students.
However, under the Centrally Sponsored Scheme of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) and Rashtriya
Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA), focus is on providing inclusive education to children with
special needs (CWSN) in a nearby elementary and secondary schools, wherein children with and
without disabilities participate and learn together in the same class.
Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Department of Empowerment of Persons with
Disabilities is implementing a scheme namely Deendayal Disabled Rehabilitation Scheme
(DDRS) under which grant-in-aid is provided to Non-Governmental Organizations for running
special schools after functioning for a minimum period of 2 years. It does not provide funds for
opening of special schools or any other project under DDRS. The number of special schools being
assisted by Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities is 371.
(c): Under SSA, an amount of  3000/- per child per annum is allocated for the interventions
related to education of CWSN. The major interventions for the education of CWSN are
identification, functional and formal assessment, appropriate educational placement, preparation
of Individualized Education Plan, provision of free aids and appliances, transport and/or escort
support, teacher training, appointment of resource teachers, therapeutical support and barrier free
At the secondary level, the Ministry is implementing the component of Inclusive Education for
Disabled at Secondary Stage (IEDSS) as part of RMSA with an objective to provide all students
with disabilities an opportunity to complete four years of secondary schooling (Class IX to XII) in
an inclusive and enabling environment. Under IEDSS component, central assistance is provided
for student oriented assistance @  3000/- per child per annum, besides support for engagement
of special teachers, equipping resource room, making school barrier free, orientation of parents,
administrators, educationists etc.

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