(a) whether the Government has noticed the plight of coastal pollution in the country;
(b) if so, the details thereof coastal area-wise including Andhra Pradesh; and
(c) the steps taken by the Government in this regard?
(a) whether the Government has noticed the plight of coastal pollution in the country;
(b) if so, the details thereof coastal area-wise including Andhra Pradesh; and
(c) the steps taken by the Government in this regard?
(a)to(c) Monitoring of marine pollution through Coastal Ocean Monitoring and Prediction
System Programme is being carried out by Integrated Coastal and Marine Area Management
Project Directorate ,Chennai under the Ministry of Earth Sciences, Government of India.
The State Pollution Control Boards are regulating water pollution under the Water
(Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 including discharge of wastewater to
coastal areas. The Ministry of Environment and Forests has laid down effluent standards
under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 in order to ensure that the industries comply
with the prescribed standards. The coastal stretches have also been declared as Coastal
Regulation Zone (CRZ) imposing restriction on industries, operations and process in the CRZ.
The following steps have been taken to prevent and control coastal pollution;
i. Control of Industrial pollution under the provision of Water (Prevention and Control
of Pollution) Act, 1974
ii. Ensuring pollution control compliance in 17 categories of highly polluting industries.
iii. Urban centers discharging wastewater in aquatic resources and having no treatment
facilities have been identified for suitable action.
iv. With respect to industrial effluents, consent management for compliance of standards
is being enforced by State Pollution Control Boards / Pollution Control Committees to improve
the water quality.