Question : Setu Bharatam Programme

(a) whether the Government has launched the Setu Bharatam Programme to make bridges and overbridges on National Highways (NHs) in the country and if so, the details thereof;
(b) whether the Government provides grants to States and Union Territories for development of roads and bridges under the said programme pertaining to inter-State connectivity and economic importance;
(c) if so, the details thereof;
(d) the criteria to saction funds under the said programme;
(e) the details of proposals received from various State Governments under the said programme during the last three years, State/UT-wise including Chhattisgarh;
(f) the details of construction works under the said programme sanctioned in the country; and
(g) the expenditure incurred on construction and maintenance of bridges/overbridges on NHs during the last three years in the country, State/UT-wise including Chhattisgarh?

Answer given by the minister


(a) Government has launched Setu Bharatam Programme to replace Railway Crossing on National Highways by Road over Bridges (ROBs) /Road Under Bridges(RUBs).
(b) to (e) Government has taken up construction of such ROBs/RUBs on National Highways under Setu Bharatam programme through its own implementing agencies such as State PWDs, NHAI, and NHIDCL and funds are provided for construction of ROBs/RUBs like other National Highways Projects.
(f) Administrative approval and financial sanction for construction of 123 nos of RoBs/RuBs have been accorded till date under Setu Bharatam Programme.
(g) RoBs/RuBs are sometimes constructed as standalone projects and sometimes as part of improvement project for a section of National Highway. Hence, expenditure figures are not separately maintained for construction of RoBs/RuBs under Setu Bharatam programme.

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