(a) whether pesticide/insecticide andsome other banned substances including
Heptachlor have been found in soft/colddrinks in the country;
(b) if so, the details thereof during eachof the last three years and current year andthe action taken against
the manufacturersof such soft/cold drinks;
(c) whether the Government has issuedcertain directions/guidelines to all States/UTs and Central Government
Food Laboratories to monitor the level of
pesticides and take samples of carbonatedwater and water used in manufacturing ofcarbonated drinks by the
soft drinkcompanies as per Prevention of FoodAdulteration (PFA) Rules, 1955 and if so,the details thereof;
(d) whether the Government has laiddown any regulation/provision regarding
presence and retention time ofChlorphyrifos and if so, the details thereof;
(e) the fresh measures taken/proposedto be taken by the Government to ensure
the compliance of regulation/provision bycold/soft drink manufacturers?