(a) whether cashew cultivators are not getting remunerative price of their produce;

(b) the cost of production of cashew as of now and price structure during the last two years;

(c) whether cashew is being exported, if so, the details of export with value thereof during the past three years and the name of the countries to which exports are made;

(d) whether there is demand or proposal to declare support price for cashew, if so, details thereof;

(e) whether there is import or smuggling of cashew, if so, the details thereof;

(f) whether there is proposal to increase import duty; and
(g) if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a): No, Sir.

(b): The cost of production of cashew as estimated during the beginning of the Ninth Plan (1996-97) was Rs.2460/- per quintal. The average prevailing price of raw cashewnut during the last two years is as follow:

Year	Price (Rs./quintal)
1999 3917/- 2000 4108/-

(c): The details of export of cashew during the past three years are given below:
Year Quantity(Tonnes) Value(Rs. in crore)
1997-98 76593 1396.10 1998-99 77076 1630.08 1999-2000 92461 2451.45

The major countries to which cashew is being exported are United States of America, The Netherlands, United Kingdom, Japan, United Arab Emirates, Australia, France, Canada and Saudi Arabia.

(d): There is no proposal to declare support price for cashew. However, cashew being horticultural crop is covered under the Market Intervention Scheme, wherein market operation is done on the request of State Government.

(e): Raw cashewnut is being imported to meet the demand of the cashew processing inudstry. During 1999-2000, 2.26 lakh tonnes of raw cashewnut were imported valued at Rs. 1054.00 crores. However, there is no report on the smuggling of cashew to India.

(f)&(g): There is no proposal to increase the import duty of cashew.