Question : Availability of Medicines

Will the Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE be pleased to state:

(a) whether free medicines are available in stores for treatment of malaria, dengue, swine flu, leprosy etc. in the Government hospitals and dispensaries in rural areas of Madhya Pradesh;

(b) if so, the details of the medicines provided to patients during the last three years;

(c) the number of patients whose medical tests were conducted in the Government hospitals in Madhya Pradesh for diagnosis of malaria, swine flu and other diseases; and

(d) the number of patients died of swine flu in Madhya Pradesh during the last two years, district-wise?

Answer given by the minister

(a) & (b): Yes, medicines for Vector Borne Diseases (VBDs) (including Malaria and Dengue) under National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme (NVBDCP) are available at all levels of interventions including Government Hospitals and Dispensaries. The drugs for treatment of malaria are provided free of cost to States/ Union Territories (UTs). The drugs provided are Artemisinin Combination Therapy with Sulphadoxine Pyremethamine (ACT-SP) (0-1 Years), ACT-SP (1-4 Years) packs, ACT-SP (5-8 Years) packs, ACT-SP (9-14 Years) packs, ACT-SP (for Adults) packs, Artesunate Injections (vials), Diethylcarbamazine Citrate (DEC) Tablets (in numbers) which are available in sufficient quantity. There is no specific drug for treatment of Dengue, however, kits are provided for diagnosis of dengue.

In respect of seasonal influenza A (H1N1)/Swine flu, Oseltamivir is the drug recommended by the World Health Organisation (WHO) for treatment of seasonal Influenza A (H1N1) in capsule/tablet and suspension form, and is made available free of cost by the State Government in all Government hospitals in Madhya Pradesh. As per data received from State
Surveillance Unit (SSU) of Integrated Disease Surveillance Programme (IDSP), details of medicine provided by State for distribution to the patients are as under:
Year Quantity of medicines provided
2016 13580
2017 25069
2018 92424

Under National Leprosy Eradication Programme (NLEP) with the support of WHO, free of cost Multi Drug Therapy (MDT) is being provided to all States/UTs including Madhya Pradesh. The details of MDT provided to Madhya Pradesh during last three years are as under:-

Year Multi Bacillary Adult (MBA) Multi Bacillary Child
(MBC) Pauci Bacillary Adult (PBA) Pauci
Child (PBC) Clofazimine 100mg Clofazimine
50 mg
2016-17 44472 2016 13924 1146 0 0
2017-18 47898 1998 13956 1296 24000 0
2018-19 31530 1728 8064 678 8500 0
*MBA, MBC, PBA, PBC all in Blister Clander pack (BCP)
(Clofazimine 50 & 100 mg capsules, in reaction cases).

(c): Data showing of the number of patients whose medical tests were conducted in the Government Hospitals in Madhya Pradesh for diagnosis of malaria and dengue during the last three years and current year( till May 2019) is as below:-
Year Number of test conducted
Malaria Dengue
No. of Malaria tests performed No. of Positive Cases No. of Dengue tests performed No. of Positive Dengue Cases
2016 9635854 69106 7314 3150
2017 10255012 47541 8658 2666
2018 9817411 22279 10714 4506
2019* 2686390 1850 580 76
*Upto May

In 2019 (data up to 04.07.2019), total 2856 clinical samples of patients have been tested for confirmation of seasonal influenza A (H1N1) in State Government Hospitals/laboratories.

(d): The district-wise numbers of patients who died due to seasonal influenza A (H1N1)/Swine flu in Madhya Pradesh during the last two years and current year (data up to 04.07.2019) is at Annexure.

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