(a) whether the Government has proposed to corporatize all the seven production units of Indian Railways including Integral Coach Factory, Chennai and formation of Indian Railways Rolling Stock Company;
(b) if so, the reasons therefor;
(c) whether the Government is aware that corporatization is likely to escalate the fare rates due to which the general public would suffer and if so, the facts thereof;
(d) whether the Government is also aware that there are many instances where the government sector organizations have collapsed when they were converted into corporations, thereby causing hardship to its employees and resulting in huge loss to the Nation and if so, the details thereof;
(e) whether the Government is also aware that any corporations/company will function with the prime motto of more profit, less service, exploiting the country’s resources and common citizens;
(f) if so, whether corporatization/privatization is likely to lead to downsizing of man power in the most unethical way and there is likely to be huge exploitation of working class; and
(g) if so, the corrective steps likely to be taken by the Government in this regard?