Question : Implementation of DDU-GKY

(a) whether the Deen Dayal Upadhyaya GrameenKaushalya Yojana (DDU-GKY) is a youth employment yojana being implemented by the Government;

(b) if so, the details thereof;

(c) the number of centres operating under the said yojana in Maharashtra, district-wise;

(d) the details of institutions/ organizations which are running these centres; and

(e) the quantum of funds allocated to them during the last three years and the current year?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b) Ministry of Rural Development is implementing Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen KaushalyaYojana (DDU-GKY), a placement linked skill development program for rural poor youth under National Rural Livelihoods Mission (NRLM) since September, 2014. Rural Youth in the age group of 15-35 Years are covered under this scheme. There is a mandatory coverage of socially disadvantaged groups, i.e for SC/ST-50%, Minorities- 15%, and Women 33%) under DDU-GKY.

DDU-GKY follows a 3-tier implementation architecture in PPP mode, with the National Unit responsible for policy, funding of central share and technical support, State Rural Livelihood Missions (SRLMs)/ State Skills Missions responsible for funding of state share, implementation and monitoring controls, and Project Implementing Agencies (PIAs), mostly private training partners, responsible for mobilization, training and placements.

Under DDU-GKY two special programs are being implemented:

i. ROSHNI program is being implemented for 27 left wing extremist affected areas of 9 States with mandatory residential course with 40% coverage to women candidates

ii. Himayat- All youth of the UT of Jammu & Kashmir are covered under this scheme.

DDU-GKY follows a funding pattern of 60:40 between Centre and State generally. Funding pattern in case 8 North Eastern States, Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh is 90:10 between Centre and State. All UTs and also Himayat, which is being implemented in UT of J&K, receives 100% funding from Centre.
DDU-GKY is working with 736 PIAs having 1602 Projects with 1738 Training center across the country. Under DDU-GKY, a total of 10.51 lakh candidates have been trained and 6.65 Lakh candidates have been placed so far. Year-wise break-up of the same is given below:-

Year Total no. of candidates Total no. of candidates
trained under DDU-GKY placed under DDU-GKY

2014-15 43,038 21,446

2015-16 2,36,471 1,09,512

2016-17 1,62,586 1,47,883

2017-18 1,31,527 75,787

2018-19 2,41,080 1,38,248

2019-20 2,37,213 1,49,463

2020-21(Till No training happened due
31st August 2020 to lock down.Training
Centres are closed. 22,897

Total 10,51,915 6,65,236

(c) & (d) 84 Training centres were operating under the said yojana in Maharashtra in the Month of March 2020. The trainings are suspended from 25 March 2020 due to imposition of Lock down and expected to commence operations post 21 September 2020. District-wise details are given as Annexure 1.
(e) 71 Project Implementation Agencies (PIAs) are operating 76 Projects in the State of Maharashtra. These 71 PIAs and 76 projects have been allocated Rs. 80.80 Cr during last 3 years. In the Current Year (FY 2020-21) no funds have been released to these organisations. The details of institutions/ organizations which are running these centres and the quantum of funds allocated to them during the last three years is given as Annexure 2.


Annexure 1

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