Question : Mobile Courts

(a) the steps taken/being taken by the Government to encourage the State Governments to set up mobile courts as per requirement in their States particularly in backward areas, State/UT-wise including Odisha;
(b) the number of such courts set up during each of the last three years and the current year, State/UT-wise including Odisha; and
(c) the other steps taken/being taken by the Government in this regard?

Answer given by the minister



(a) to (c): Under the provisions of the Constitution, the primary responsibility for establishment of subordinate courts in the States, rests with the respective State Government. The Central Government provides financial assistance to State Governments for setting up Gram Nyayalayas which may hold mobile court outside their headquarters in terms of the provisions contained in the Gram Nyayalayas Act, 2008.

As per information available, 194 Gram Nyayalayas have been notified by 10 States, including 16 Gram Nyayalayas notified by the Government of Odisha. Year-wise and State-wise details of Gram Nyayalayas notified by the State Governments during last three years are given below.
Sl. No. Name of State 2012 2013 2014
1 Maharashtra 1 1 7
2 Jharkhand 6 - -
3 Odisha 6 2 -
4 Goa 2 - -
5 Punjab - 2 -
6 Haryana - 2 -
7 Uttar Pradesh - - 12
The issues affecting operationalization of the Gram Nyayalayas were discussed in the Conference of Chief Justices of High Courts and Chief Ministers of the States on 7th April, 2013. It was decided in the Conference that the State Governments and High Courts should decide the question of establishment of Gram Nyayalayas wherever feasible, taking into account their local problems. The focus is on setting up Gram Nyayalayas in the Talukas where regular courts have not been set up.

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