Question : Racial Attacks

(a) whether incidents of racial discrimination/attacks have increased in the country;

(b) if so, the details thereof and the reasons therefor along with the total number of such cases reported during the last three years and the current year, State/UT-wise;

(c) the mechanism put in place by the Government to monitor/curb such cases and to provide adequate relief to victims of such incidents in the country;

(d) whether the Government has constituted any Committee to suggest remedial measures for racial discrimination/ attacks in the country and if so, the details thereof and the recommendations made by the Committee along with the reaction of the Government in this regard; and

(e) the other steps taken by the Government to prevent racial discrimination/attacks and to ensure adequate relief to victims of such discrimination/attacks in the country?

Answer given by the minister


(a)and (b) “Public Order” and “Police” being State subjects as per the provisions of the Constitution of India, the responsibilities of maintaining law and order, investigation and prosecution of crime, (including on the

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basis of racial discrimination/attacks), providing relief and rehabilitation, maintaining relevant data etc. rest primarily with the respective State Governments/Union Territory Administrations. The information is not centrally maintained.

(c) to (e) There are adequate provisions of laws to deal with the cases of discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity, language or religion. Advisories have been issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs to all State Governments and Union Territories in this regard. The State Governments and Union Territories are taking all necessary security measures to strictly follow the directions given in the advisories. In addition, measures have been taken by the Ministry of Home Affairs for strengthening facilities for legal assistance, extending facilities in the field of sport, educating the people about the North East in various forms, focusing attention on the North East on media, providing of helpline numbers, appointment of Nodal Officers to address the grievances of North Eastern people, etc.

In order to deal with the security concerns of the people hailing from the North Eastern States living in different parts of the country, especially


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in the Metropolitan cities, a Committee had been constituted in February, 2014 under the Chairmanship of Shri M.P. Bezbaruah, Member, North Eastern Council and other members. The Committee was tasked to examine reasons of attacks on people of Northeast and to suggest suitable remedial measures which could be taken by the Government. The Committee submitted its report in July 2014 and the same is available on MHA website. Recommendations made by the Committee mainly comprise legal measures, special police initiatives for safety and security of North Eastern people living in Delhi, NCR and other parts of the country, educating people about the North East and addressing their grievances including that of lack of accommodation etc.

The recommendations made by the Committee with regard to immediate measures have been accepted and action has been taken to implement the same. Implementation status of the recommendations made by the Committee is being reviewed periodically and the last review meeting was held on 12.5.2016 in the Ministry of Home Affairs.


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