Question : Issues Faced by Anganwadi Kendras in Urban Areas

(a) whether Anganwadi Kendras are permitted to be established in urban areas; if so, the details thereof;
(b) whether Anganwadi Kendras are being run in rental buildings in several urban areas leading to unnecessary excessive expenditure thereon, if so, the details thereof and the reasons therefor;
(c) whether effective implementation of Anganwadi services is being affected due to scarcity of space, if so, the details thereof; and
(d) the steps taken to improve the situation so that enough space may be made available and unnecessary expenditure incurred on rent may be avoided?

Answer given by the minister



(a) Under Anganwadi Services scheme, opening of Anganwadi Centres (AWCs) is permitted in the urban areas. Establishment of Anganwadi Centres is based on population norms, which are, specified for Rural/Urban projects as under :

For Rural/Urban Projects:
Population norms No. of AWCs
400-800 - 1 AWC
800-1600 - 2 AWCs
1600-2400 - 3 AWCs
Thereafter in multiples of 800 - 1 AWC

For Mini-AWC
150-400 - 1 Mini-AWC

A total of 14 lakh AWCs have been sanctioned to various States/UTs across the country and these include about 1.32 lakh AWCs located in the urban areas. A statement showing state-wise details is enclosed as Annexure-I. As on 31.03.2020, 13.81 lakh AWCs (rural and urban) are operational.

(b) As per the data captured through the ICDS Monitoring Information System, about 26% AWCs (rural and urban) are running in rented buildings. A statement showing the State/UT-wise details is enclosed as Annexure-II.

(c) & (d)States/UTs have indicated difficulties in providing land for construction of AWC buildings especially in the urban areas. However, in order to ensure continued implementation of the scheme, Government has made provision for taking the AWC buildings on rent for which the monthly rentals have been increased to Rs.1000/- in the rural areas, Rs 4000/- in the urban areas and Rs.6000/- in the metropolitan cities. In addition, this Ministry has requested all State Governments/UT Administrations to co-locate those AWCs, which are running in rented premises without basic facilities, to the nearby primary schools in the same habitation.


Annexure-I to Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. 1116 due for answer on 18.09.2020 reg ''Issues Faced by Anganwadi Kendras in Urban Areas’
Infrastructure details of AWCs Under ICDS-RRS Jan 2020
Rural Area Urban Area Tribal Area Drinking Facility Toilet Facility
S. No. State Name No. of Own Building No. of Rented No. of Community No. of Open Space No. of Own Building No. of Rented No. of Community No. of Open Space No. of Own Building No. of Rented No. of Community No. of Open Space Rural Drinking Water Urban Drinking Water Tribal Drinking Water Rural AWCs Toilet Urban AWCs Toilet Tribal AWCs Toilet
1 ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS 145 37 250 0 8 165 32 0 32 0 21 0 428 205 53 316 205 53
2 ANDHRA PRADESH 17510 13882 6506 132 634 5210 934 8 1676 2082 297 15 34780 6547 3667 31224 6280 2744
3 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 453 25 33 69 115 24 22 5 788 30 47 86 89 34 161 64 30 102
4 ASSAM 30269 2132 13463 1637 563 1407 718 52 2331 351 3489 507 11588 1502 1632 9068 1263 1173
5 BIHAR 25813 59130 9430 1166 330 6427 393 34 22 96 12 16 82242 6820 114 67271 6345 94
6 CHANDIGARH 24 74 5 0 122 217 3 0 0 0 0 0 103 342 0 103 341 0
7 CHHATTISGARH 24277 3104 1197 15 1911 2238 263 6 12032 2922 949 73 24712 3852 12915 23033 2855 10664
8 DADRA AND NAGAR HAVELI 190 109 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0
9 DAMAN AND DIU 81 0 0 0 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 81 18 0 81 18 0
10 DELHI 0 2130 11 0 21 8561 28 1 0 2 0 0 2141 8611 2 2141 8611 2
11 GOA 428 491 56 0 35 190 9 0 13 30 5 0 963 232 48 754 185 20
12 GUJARAT 33155 3246 985 27 3927 3154 262 9 7691 248 284 34 36002 7150 7520 35495 7174 7539
13 HARYANA 9377 2134 8329 5 194 3158 500 0 8 4 15 3 18468 3792 21 18550 3725 21
14 HIMACHAL PRADESH 2077 8607 6760 7 32 549 207 0 7 90 154 0 17256 778 251 17002 770 234
15 JAMMU AND KASHMIR 385 7098 21 15 87 1066 3 1 2 5 0 0 6650 1142 7 5364 1111 4
16 JHARKHAND 18453 8564 2617 37 454 2067 68 1 4141 1486 332 2 20535 1845 3576 15817 1459 3033
17 KARNATAKA 32686 4584 4404 88 2392 4586 1459 6 873 39 113 3 33052 7311 947 31577 6437 883
18 KERALA 21520 5395 1016 4 2300 1978 271 2 310 30 25 2 26098 4332 344 27388 4448 347
19 LADAKH 127 565 197 5 18 80 0 0 0 1 0 0 674 70 1 847 98 1
20 LAKSHADWEEP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
21 MADHYA PRADESH 29862 9251 1425 0 1098 4934 87 0 13944 3819 545 0 40296 6115 18202 34383 5918 11866
22 MAHARASHTRA 10924 1164 2252 415 157 1933 59 3 507 94 80 7 12951 1953 675 11367 1406 571
23 MANIPUR 917 151 111 2201 299 124 5 1028 555 732 220 696 3235 1424 1742 2623 1278 1717
24 MEGHALAYA 676 50 609 111 30 130 129 26 2026 103 1415 225 343 223 1444 429 231 1476
25 MIZORAM 855 2 3 0 184 24 4 0 1116 3 1 0 716 210 1056 746 207 1019
26 NAGALAND 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
27 ODISHA 30054 3085 16974 15 1206 1140 1956 0 13768 1157 3162 4 46474 3773 15755 17116 1196 6960
28 PUDUCHERRY 230 184 70 0 105 247 19 0 0 0 0 0 427 352 0 415 337 0
29 PUNJAB 2712 473 19072 38 112 2235 1586 10 0 2 7 0 20982 3798 9 16493 3360 7
30 RAJASTHAN 26208 3125 12838 81 611 4397 792 9 1395 145 253 9 38331 5454 1714 30347 4489 796
31 SIKKIM 837 142 100 1 16 61 6 0 152 14 14 0 1074 83 179 1075 83 178
32 TAMIL NADU 37683 3542 1973 26 6924 2698 533 4 610 128 36 1 32997 7544 483 33779 7712 497
33 TELANGANA 10065 7063 6972 361 713 4727 646 24 1579 1143 1225 83 17395 5623 1633 11884 5329 770
34 TRIPURA 6281 24 19 5 635 150 29 0 2090 13 43 9 5600 730 1477 4999 590 1106
35 UTTAR PRADESH 63962 9743 94464 822 1662 13847 3218 171 55 16 260 4 165469 18102 296 157751 16849 311
36 UTTARAKHAND 3816 3846 3008 22 65 1622 103 5 279 219 44 0 9376 1757 503 9659 1749 502
37 WEST BENGAL 42532 8970 29501 565 416 7740 1462 41 8699 2282 3383 36 72341 9201 12327 57530 5925 8196
Total 484584 172122 244672 7870 27394 87086 15806 1446 76701 17286 16431 1815 784169 120925 88754 676991 108014 62886

Annexure-II to Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. 1116 due for answer on 18.09.2020 reg ''Issues Faced by Anganwadi Kendras in Urban Areas’
Sl. No. State/UT No. of operational AWCs No. of AWCs for which data is available Number of Anganwadi Centres (AWCs) running from
Govt. Building Rented Community
AWWs/ AWHs House Others School Panchayat Others Open Space
Kutcha Pucca Kutcha Pucca Kutcha Pucca Kutcha Pucca Kutcha Pucca Kutcha Pucca Kutcha Pucca
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
1 Andhra Pradesh 55607 55607 4 20867 1 0 518 23197 1 7679 0 1183 31 2088 0 38
2 Telangana 35634 35567 0 10709 0 0 4048 8612 1439 8015 196 1245 276 1027 0 0
3 Arunachal Pradesh 6225 6225 5801 0 0 0 424 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 Assam 62153 61664 0 40412 1961 1778 0 6997 0 8826 0 55 904 731 0 0
5 Bihar 106953 99250 0 26097 0 0 26986 36578 0 4476 0 0 0 5113 0 0
6 Chhattisgarh 51455 51455 0 37987 1583 931 5124 2191 5 994 30 879 97 1634 0 0
7 Goa 1262 1262 0 156 0 39 4 715 0 280 1 27 2 34 0 4
8 Gujarat 53029 53029 0 42989 0 7259 0 0 0 557 0 363 0 1861 0 0
9 Haryana 25962 25962 0 8998 0 0 0 5987 0 2360 0 2389 0 6228 0 0
10 Himachal Pradesh 18925 18925 0 2091 17 26 1309 8022 305 2841 35 381 191 3707 0 0
11 Jammu & Kashmir 28460 28060 59 753 9992 15276 975 977 0 13 0 12 0 3 0 0
12 Jharkhand 38432 38426 0 22574 3136 1547 3884 4007 0 1824 6 746 27 675 0 0
13 Karnataka 65911 65911 4724 39624 144 99 2042 9712 866 3317 179 1022 834 3348 0 0
14 Kerala 33244 33115 21 23370 0 0 41 7885 0 481 9 628 12 668 0 0
15 Madhya Pradesh 97135 97135 664 33171 202 295 8490 18896 840 13234 547 10694 1569 8533 0 0
16 Maharashtra 110219 109614 5934 51826 2859 26723 229 797 0 6443 739 5680 369 8043 0 0
17 Manipur 11510 11510 1707 1152 7361 322 4 3 40 1 1 14 205 15 628 57
18 Meghalaya 5896 5894 0 3090 30 140 18 300 6 1282 100 619 36 253 2 18
19 Mizoram 2244 2244 0 2215 0 0 0 29 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
20 Nagaland** 3980 3980 2861 224 710 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 125 0 0 0
21 Odisha 72587 72587 0 44671 0 0 0 5392 0 10699 0 11825 0 0 0 0
22 Punjab 27295 27295 0 2098 0 500 0 2723 0 11492 0 4982 0 5500 0 0
23 Rajasthan 61974 61469 0 25810 0 10553 0 0 0 18565 0 4020 0 2521 0 0
24 Sikkim 1308 1308 0 965 0 94 0 198 0 41 9 0 0 1 0 0
25 Tamil Nadu 54439 54439 7233 35829 57 158 2741 4504 306 887 190 1171 297 1066 0 0
26 Tripura 9911 9911 0 9273 0 0 0 290 0 0 0 0 0 348 0 0
27 Uttar Pradesh 188229 188225 0 34004 0 0 0 20990 0 109319 0 23912 0 0 0 0
28 Uttrakhand 20067 19992 0 3085 17 1154 81 6320 5 5091 24 2684 17 1503 11 0
29 West Bengal 116753 116685 11212 47488 0 0 3812 16147 2617 11082 557 2358 4089 17317 6 0
30 A & N Islands 720 717 8 164 0 0 27 199 1 10 55 177 0 76 0 0
31 Chandigarh* 450 450 0 167 0 0 0 268 0 1 0 14 0 0 0 0
32 Delhi 10897 10755 0 33 0 0 9 10687 0 1 0 6 3 16 0 0
33 Dadra & N Haveli 302 302 0 173 19 59 36 14 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
34 Daman & Diu 107 107 0 102 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 4 0 0 0 0
35 Ladakh 1139 1139 0 169 639 98 9 34 0 183 0 3 0 0 4 0
36 Lakshadweep 107 107 0 28 0 79 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
37 Puducherry 855 855 0 347 0 1 0 445 0 3 0 46 0 13 0 0
TOTAL ==>> 1381376 1371178 40228 572711 28728 67191 60811 203116 6431 229999 2678 77139 9084 72322 651 117
* UT of Chandigarh 14 AWC on rent in Punchyat
** Nagaland Oct. 2019

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