(a) A statement showing State/UT-wise list of identified Primitive tribal groups (PTGs) is annexed.
(b) The Primitive Tribal Groups form the lowest rung of the Scheduled Tribe
communities. They use pre-agricultural level of technology and didder from each
other in respect of socio-economic conditions.
Some of them are still food gatherers & hunters, some shifting cultivators and some
settled cultivators. A few of them also work as agricultural labourers. The level of
literacy amony them is very low.
(c) Yes, Sir.
(d) A Central Sector Scheme for the Development of Primitive Tribal Groups with an
outlay of Rs. 22.50 crores for Ninth Five Year Plan has been launched form 1998-
99 for their upliftment. The funds released under the scheme to state Govts and
NGOs during last two years are as under:-
1998-99 - 4.94 crores 1999-2000 - 6.63 crores
The outlay under the Scheme for the current financial year is Rs. 12.50 crores.
Further, a part of SCA to Tribal Sub-Plan given to States/UTs is also utilised for
the development of the PTGs.