Question : Indigenous Aircraft and Submarines

(a) whether certain naval projects such as manufacturing of indigenous aircraft and submarines relating to the security of the country are lagging behind the scheduled time;

(b) if so, the number of such projects along with the reasons therefor;

(c) the time by which the said projects are likely to be completed; and

(d) the reasons for shortage of submarine fleet of navy along with the time by which the said shortage is likely to be met?

Answer given by the minister


(a) Indian Navy has placed orders for following indigenous aircraft and submarines: -
(1) Aircraft by Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL)
(i) 12 Dorniers
(ii) 16 Advanced Light Helicopters (ALH MK III)
(iii) 8 Chetak helicopters

(2) Submarines. 6 Scorpene class submarines are being built by Mazagon Dock and Shipbuilders Limited (MDL) under Project-75.
Yes, Sir. There are some delays in the projects mentioned at Ser (1) & (2) above.

(b) Details of projects are given in reply to part (a) of the question.
Reasons for delays are as follows: -
(i) Aircraft. The deliveries have been delayed due to the supply chain disruptions caused by COVID-19 pandemic.
(ii) Submarines. The delays have been caused due to the various defects observed during the trials of the submarines, requirement of certain modifications and delays in the supply of items required for construction by the collaborator / ToT provider - Naval Group, France.
The outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic has further impacted the delivery schedule of the submarines.

(c) & (d): In the interest of national security, the details cannot be divulged. However, the existing submarine fleet is being maintained combat worthy through life extension & modernization/upgradation.


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