Question : Per Capita Income of Tribals

(a) whether the Government has conducted any study to as certain the per capita income of tribal people in the various States of the country;

(b) if so, the details and the funding thereof States/UT-wise;

(c) whether per capita income of tribal people is lower than the income of general class and persons belonging to other categories;

(d) if so, the details thereof and the reaction of the Government thereto: and

(e) the corrective steps taken/being taken by the Government in this regard and the extent of success achieved therefrom?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (c): No, Madam. The National Sample Survey Office (NSSO), Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation collects data on the household consumer expenditure but not on income in their household surveys. The erstwhile Planning Commission had estimated poverty ratios for the years for which household consumer expenditure surveys have been conducted by NSSO. The percentage of persons below poverty line among Scheduled Tribes, Scheduled Castes, Other Backward Castes, Others and All Population, State-wise and at all India level for the year 2011-12 estimated by the erstwhile Planning Commission as per Tendulkar Methodology is at Annexure. As per these estimates, the percentage of ST persons below poverty line during 2011-12 in both, rural and urban areas, at all India level is higher as compared to other social groups.

(d) & (e): Ministry has taken various initiatives to ameliorate the situation of unemployment among ST population across the country. Ministry of Tribal Affairs under its Special Area Programme of Special Central Assistance (SCA) to Tribal Sub-Plan (TSP) and other Central Sector / Centrally Sponsored schemes provides funds as an additive to the State Tribal Sub-Plan (TSP) for economic development of tribals in the States covering skill development and employment-cum-income generation activities. During 2014-15 and 2015-16 the Ministry has impressed upon the State Governments for promotion of need based integrated livelihood initiatives such as Dairy development with State cooperative, horticulture, floriculture, vegetable production, apiculture, sericulture, fisheries, backyard poultries etc. in order to create enabling environment for tribals to earn their livelihood and increase direct / indirect employment opportunities. Further, thrust has been put forth for –

I. Integration of mainstream education with vocational training, with a view to primarily target dropout, providing them employability and income-generating opportunities.

II. Building skill for the job market outside and rural non-farm sector, Ministry has been supporting skill development activities for both male and female tribal youth in a wide gamut of trades such as (i) Office Management (ii) Solar Technician / Electrician (iii) Beautician (iv) Handicraft (v) Skills required for day to day construction works (such as Plumbing, Mason, Electrician, Fitter, Welder, Carpenter (vi) Refrigeration and A/C repairing (vii) Mobile repairing (viii) Nutrition (x) Ayurvedic & tribal medicines (xi) IT (xii) Data Entry (xiii) Fabrication (xiv) Paramedics and Home Nurse Training (xv) Automobile Driving and Mechanics (xvi) Electric & Motor Winding (xvii) Security Guard (xviii) Housekeeping & Management (xix) Retail Management (xx) Hospitality (xxi) Eco-tourism (xxii) Adventure Tourism.

In addition, National Scheduled Tribes Finance and Development Corporation (NSTFDC) under the Ministry of Tribal Affairs, promotes entrepreneurial development amongst Scheduled Tribes. This Corporation provides concessional financial assistance to individuals or groups of STs for undertaking self-employment income generation activities through its channelizing agencies.

As per the estimates of poverty ratio of the erstwhile Planning Commission, the percentage of STs living below the poverty line has come down from 62.3% in rural areas during 2004-05 to 45.3% during 2011-12. In the urban areas, the percentage of STs living below the poverty line has come down from 35.5% during 2004-05 to 24.1% during 2011-12.


Annexure referred to in parts (a) to (c) of Lok Sabha Un-starred Parliament Question No.3214 for answer on 5.12.2016.

State -wise Percentage of persons below poverty line, 2011-12
(Tendulkar Methodology)
ST SC OBC Others Total ST SC OBC Others Total
1 Andhra Pradesh 24.1 13.1 9.3 6.8 11.0 12.1 10.9 5.5 4.3 5.8
2 Assam 33.4 28.2 34.4 34.9 33.9 15.6 30.5 11.0 21.2 20.6
3 Bihar 59.3 51.7 31.3 23.3 34.1 10.3 43.0 32.9 17.8 31.2
4 Chhattisgarh 52.6 48.2 38.7 7.7 44.6 35.2 39.5 24.9 10.6 24.8
5 Gujarat 36.5 22.3 18.9 6.1 21.5 30.1 12.7 15.3 5.1 10.1
6 Haryana 3.3 23.6 13.4 3.3 11.6 14.2 25.9 12.9 4.9 10.3
7 Himachal Pradesh 9.5 16.5 2.3 7.0 8.5 4.0 9.9 9.9 1.7 4.3
8 Jammu & Kashmir 16.3 18.8 7.5 10.2 11.5 3.0 18.0 4.1 6.1 7.2
9 Jharkhand 51.6 40.4 36.4 31.3 40.8 28.7 40.6 28.2 12.5 24.8
10 Karnataka 30.8 37.1 20.7 21.6 24.5 33.7 25.0 15.0 8.8 15.3
11 Kerala 41.0 17.8 7.6 7.0 9.1 13.6 6.0 5.7 2.7 5.0
12 Madhya Pradesh 55.3 41.3 24.7 19.6 35.7 32.3 33.2 21.0 13.1 21.0
13 Maharashtra 61.6 23.8 18.2 16.5 24.2 23.3 15.8 8.7 6.0 9.1
14 Orissa 63.5 41.4 24.2 14.2 35.7 39.7 26.3 22.1 6.7 17.3
15 Punjab 0.0 14.7 3.6 1.1 7.7 7.2 18.3 14.0 3.8 9.2
16 Rajasthan 41.4 18.6 8.5 3.8 16.1 21.7 19.2 12.0 3.6 10.7
17 Tamil Nadu 36.8 23.3 12.9 1.0 15.8 2.8 9.3 6.3 1.8 6.5
18 Uttar Pradesh 27.0 41.1 30.7 12.5 30.4 16.3 39.1 32.1 12.8 26.1
19 Uttarakhand 11.9 15.6 14.4 9.0 11.6 25.7 9.3 19.1 6.4 10.5
20 West Bengal 50.1 22.6 19.0 20.0 22.5 44.5 15.7 15.7 13.3 14.7
All India 45.3 31.5 22.6 15.5 25.7 24.1 21.7 15.4 8.1 13.7

Legend: SC=Scheduled Castes; ST=Scheduled Tribes; OBC=Other Backward Castes
NB: 1. The poverty ratios among the social groups are estimated from the percentage distribution of persons of the respective social groups as obtained from the large sample survey consumer expenditure data of the National Sample Survey (NSS) and the poverty line for all population.
2. The poverty ratios are based on MRP (Mixed Recall Period) consumption distribution.
3. All India poverty ratio for the social groups is worked out from the respective NSS distribution of persons and (implicit) all-India poverty line for all population.
4. The poverty ratio among Scheduled Tribes population at State level may be treated with caution due to small sample size of household based on which the class distribution of persons have been obtained. These States are in urban areas, number of sample households is 18 in Bihar, 18 in Himachal Pradesh and 9 in Kerala.


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