(a) the funds allocated for the security of nuclear plants and to remove the hurdles faced in their operation during the last three years and the current year, year-wise;

(b) the details of the steps being taken to improve the status of the nuclear plants in India and to bring the reactor technology at par with the international standards;

(c) the details of the measures taken/ being taken to modernize the nuclear plants in the country;

(d) whether the Government is contemplating any measures to streamline project management in the various constructed and under-construction nuclear power plants and if so, the details thereof; and

(e) the details of comparative cost of atomic energy generation vis-à-vis the thermal generation in India in comparison to other developed countries at present?

Answer given by the minister


(a) Nuclear power plants are under security cover of the Central Industrial Security Force with additional manpower and equipment, as necessary. Integrated security systems and adequate security arrangements are in place at nuclear power plants in the country to protect them from possible threats. These are reviewed and updated periodically and necessary measures taken. The allocations made for security of nuclear power plants in the NPCIL budget in the last three years and the current year are as follows:

Year	2009-10	2010-11	2011-12	2012-13

Allocation in ` crore 33.46 55.72 65.00 71.10

Allocations are also made for carrying out modifications/replacement of equipment/safety upgrades etc. in operating stations to ensure better safety and performance.

The details of allocations for operating stations in the last three years and the current year are as follows:
Year	2009-10	2010-11	2011-12	2012-13

Allocation in ` crore 113 270 150 152

(b)&(c) Review of security and operating safety is an ongoing exercise at all nuclear power plants. The periodic assessment and ageing management practices are taken up based on regular safety reviews. Necessary upgrades are carried out to ensure that the plants are at the state of art in terms of safety. Renovation and modernization and safety upgrades have been carried out in six nuclear power reactors, Rajasthan Atomic Power Station-2, Madras Atomic Power Station 1&2, Narora Atomic Power Station 1&2 and Kakrapar Atomic Power Station-1. In addition, life extension measures and upgrades have been carried out in Tarapur Atomic Power Station 1&2.

(d) Project Management Systems for multi-level monitoring of progress of project activities, identification of constraints and making mid-course corrections are in place in nuclear power plants. The project progress is further monitored by the Department of Atomic Energy and the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation.

(e) The average tariff of nuclear power in the last five years has been about ` 2.42 per kWh. Tariffs of nuclear power plants are comparable to those of contemporary thermal power plants located in the area. The cost of nuclear generation in the country is also comparable to that in developed countries.