Question : Incentive Scheme for Acquisition of Plants and Machinery

(a) whether the Government has implemented the programme of Incentive Scheme for Acquisition of Plants and Machinery (ISAPM) in all States/UTs, if so, the details thereof;

(b) the details of challenges faced during effective and widespread implementation of the scheme; and

(c) the details of the financial outlay for the scheme during 2018-19, State-wise?

Answer given by the minister

(a) : The Government has been implementing Incentive Scheme for Acquisition of Plant & Machinery (ISAPM) throughout the country, however, presently, the States comprising West Bengal, Bihar, Assam, Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh have availed benefit under the scheme. The Scheme provides assistance for modernization and upgradation of technology in existing jute mills and new jute units to manufacture value added jute products as well as to reduce operation cost in manufacturing process.

Under the scheme, an incentive of 20% of the cost of new machinery for jute mill and 30% for JDP – MSME units is considered for reimbursement, subject to maximum of Rs 2.50 crore per unit. A Capital Subsidy amounting to approx. Rs. 50.00 crores has been released during 2014-15 to 2018-19 to various Jute mills and JDP units.
(b) : As such, there are no major challenges faced in wider and effective implementation of the Scheme. Government has already taken a number of ameliorative measures, inter-alia, allocation of more funds, creation of more technical and administration posts etc. for NJB to help ensure effective implementation of the Scheme.

(c) : During 2018-19, NJB disbursed incentive of Rs. 9.20 crores to 27 mills / JDP units under the scheme. Since the scheme is implemented / applicable to cover all the jute mills / JDP units all over country, no state wise financial outlay has been made.

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