(a) whether the amendments introduced in IMS, Act, 2003 regarding Production, Supply and Marketing of substitutes of infant milk, feeding bottles and infant food are being complied with strictly;

(b) if not, the reasons therefore;

(c) the details of incidents of violation of this Act noticed so far; and

(d) the corrective measures and the penal action taken in this regard?

Answer given by the minister


(a),(b),(c)&(d) Between January to August 2004 twenty incidents of violation of IMS Act, 1992 have been noticed by the Breastfeeding Promotion Network of India, an organization authorized in this behalf, which are at preliminary stages of investigation. Details of these cases are given in the statement enclosed,

Statement referred to in reply to Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. 2260 for 14.12.2004 by Shrimati Karuna Shukla regarding Schemes for Children.

Details of the Action Taken regarding Violations of the Infant Milk Substitutes, Feeding Bottles and Infant Foods (Regulation of Production, Supply and Distribution) Act 1992, as amended in 2003 (IMS Act) by The Breastfeeding Promotion Network of India January 2004 to September 2004 (1st , 2nd and 3rd Quarter)

January 2004

S.No Details Action taken Legal Comments

1. Bombay Dyeing An in-house Advertising had published analysis was Council of India, an done in the responded by a advertisement light of IMS letter stating in their Act, 1992. A that that the magazine for consultation advertisement was women with experts in the breach of “Gladrags” was also the law, but as presenting sought. After the advertisement Gladrags Mrs analysis it was one-time and India in which was concluded the advertiser had a feeding that this not advertised bottle had been advertisement again, the file shown in the, violates was closed. Oct-Nov issue Section 3 of 2003 IMS Act. A

(Annex-1) Letter was written to editor of the magazine “Gladrags” Mr. Rituraj Sharma and to advertising Council of India.

2. Dr. J P Dadhich All the Legal After legal and in- from Delhi evidences opinion house analysis it received were gathered sought was concluded that invitation card and analysed this is violation from Nestle to in light of of Section 9 (2) attend a the Amended of the IMS Act. symposium. The IMS Act. invitation of Opinion was the same event also sough was advertised from experts in DMA Bulletin on the issue.


February 2004

S.N0 Details Action taken Legal Comments

3. Dr. Ajay Gaur The originals Legal After legal and in- from Gwalior of the opinion house analysis it reported a materials sought was concluded that complaint, distributed this is violation regarding by the of Section 7 (1) a educational company were to b of the IMS material and traced. The Act and Rule 9 of poster materials the IMS Rules. distributed by were analysed Reptakos, Brett in the light and Company, a of the IMS company Act 1992, as manufacturing amended in infant milk 2003. After substitutes and analysis it infant foods. was concluded

(Annex-3) that these materials are violating the IMS Act in letter and spirit and it was forwarded to the legal experts for his comments.
April 2004

S.No Details Action taken Legal Comments

4. The Magazine During an Received a letter “Femina Book of ongoing from Femina, Good Parenting” activity of stating that they had a picture BPNI to will carry errata of an infant monitor in their July feeding a violations in edition. bottle on the newspaper and cover page as magazines, it well as inside as found that pages the magazine

(Annex-4) “Femina Book of Good Parenting” bared a picture of a infant feeding on a bottle. The photograph was examined and it was concluded that this photograph violates the spirit of the IMS Act. A letter was written to editor of editor of Femina, Sathya Saran, and to Advertising Council of India.

5. Complaint was After Legal After legal received from receiving opinion analysis it was Dr. A complaint in sought concluded that Muthuswami from written from this is violation Chidambaram our member, of Section 3 (c) regarding the evidences and 8(1) of the distribution of were analysed IMS Act. pamphlets and in respect to persuasion of IMS Act. It doctors by was concluded representatives that this of Nestle India action is a Ltd. violation of

(Annex-5) the IMS Act and the evidences were forwarded to our legal expert for analysis
May 2004
S.No Details Action taken Legal Comments

6. It was noticed Letter was No response that on the written to channel DD News Director, on 6th May at Dordarshan, 6.10 PM in the Akashwani programme “ Bhawan for Health” popular stop showing version “Haal such Chaal Theek programmes Thak Hai”, that promote there were artificial comments on feeding in “use of cup & the country spoon while and also take feeding a small action to baby” reverse damage done by that programme.

June 2004

S.No Details Action taken Comments

7. Advertisement Letter was No response of Mortein Rat written to Kill aired on Manager of Zee TV in Kitchen between the Appliances programme Sa Re India Limited Ga Ma depicted for stop an infant showing such feeding on a images that baby soother. promote

(Annex-6) artificial feeding in the country. This was also brought in notice of advertising Council of India.

8. Complaint was The evidences Legal After legal received from were gathered opinion analysis it was Dr. Rajinder and analysed sought concluded that Gulati, in the light this is violation Ludhiana for of the IMS of Section 3 (c) distribution of Act. After and 8(1) of the Immunisation detailed IMS Act. record cards analysis it and other was concluded printed that this is materials by a violation Nestle India of the IMS Ltd. Act. The

(Annex-7) evidences with our opinion was forwarded for legal analysis

9. Complaint in The evidences Legal After legal respect to were gathered opinion analysis it was letters dated and analysed sought concluded that April 2004 sent in the light this is violation to doctors by of the IMS of Section 3 (c) Reptakos, Brett Act. After and 8(1) of the and Company. detailed IMS Act.

(Annex-8) analysis it was concluded that this is a violation of the IMS Act. The evidences with our opinion was forwarded for legal analysis
July 2004
S.No Details In house Legal Action taken
Analysis and Analysis
Comments And Comments
10. The company An in-house After legal No action was
“Hello Baby” analysis was and in-house taken
who are done in the analysis it
manufacturers light of IMS was concluded
of infant Act, 1992 as that this
products amended in booklet by
including 2003. A passed the
feeding consultation provisions of
bottles and with experts the IMS Act
related was also
products, sought. The
published a said booklet
booklet was then send
“Growth for legal
Record Book” opinion.
messages on
related to
11. Container of BPNI did a Legal opinion
“Farex” an market survey was sought
infant milk to analyse After legal
substitute labels of and in-house
and infant infant milk analysis it
food substitute was concluded
manufactured and infant that the
by Heinz foods container
bearing available in violates the
packing date the market. A provisions of
of September carton of Section 6 and
2003 Farex was Rule 7 of the
bought IMS Act.
bearing the
date of
2003. The
container was
analysed with
respect to
provisions of
IMS Act and
legal opinion
was sought
12. Carton of BPNI did a Legal opinion
“Amul Spray” market survey was sought.
an infant to analyse After legal
food labels of and in-house
manufactured infant milk analysis it
by Mehsana substitute was concluded
Distt. Co- and infant that the
operative foods container
Milk available in violates the
Producers the market. A provisions of
Union Ltd.” container of Section 6 and
bearing “Amul Spray” Rule 7 of the
packing date was bought IMS Act.
of September bearing the
2003 manufacturing
date of
2003. The
container was
analysed with
respect to
provisions of
IMS Act and
legal opinion
was sought
13. Container of BPNI did a Legal opinion
“Lactogen 1” market survey was sought.
an infant to analyse After legal
milk labels of and in-house
substitute infant milk analysis it
manufactured substitute was concluded
by Nestle and infant that the
bearing foods container
packing date available in violates the
of March 2004 the market. A provisions of
carton of Rule 7 of the
Lactogen was IMS Act.
bearing the
date of March
2004. The
container was
analysed with
respect to
provisions of
IMS Act and
legal opinion
was sought
14. Container of BPNI did a Legal opinion
“Lactogen 3” market survey was sought.
an infant to analyse After legal
milk labels of and in-house
substitute infant milk analysis it
manufactured substitute was concluded
by Nestle and infant that the
bearing foods container
packing date available in violates the
of February the market. A provisions of
2004 carton of Rule 7 of the
Lactogen 3 IMS Act.
was bought
bearing the
date of
2003. The
container was
analysed with
respect to
provisions of
IMS Act and
legal opinion
was sought
15. Carton of BPNI did a Legal opinion
“Cerelac” an market survey was sought.
infant food to analyse After legal
manufactured labels of and in-house
by Nestle infant milk analysis it
bearing substitute was concluded
packing date and infant that the
of February foods carton
2004 available in violates the
the market. A provisions of
carton of Rule 7 of the
“Cerelac” was IMS Act.
bearing the
date of
January 2004.
The container
was analysed
with respect
to the
provisions of
IMS Act and
legal opinion
was sought
16. Carton of BPNI did a Legal opinion
“Nestum” an market survey was sought.
infant food to analyse After legal
manufactured labels of and in-house
by Nestle infant milk analysis it
bearing substitute was concluded
packing date and infant that the
of February foods carton
2004 available in violates the
the market. A provisions of
carton of Rule 7 of the
“Nestum” was IMS Act.
bearing the
date of
January 2004.
The container
was analysed
with respect
to the
provisions of
IMS Act and
legal opinion
was sought.
17. Advertisement After in Letter was
of “Nipcare” house written to
an ointment analysis and Editor of
to prevent discussions Indian
and treat it was Pediatrics to
dry, sore and concluded stop
cracked that the said publishing
nipples advertisement advertisement
published in violates IMS s, which
Indian Act. undermines
Pediatrics women
Volume 41, confidence in
Number 7, breastfeeding
July 2004. as well as
violates IMS
Act. No
Response has
been received
till yet.
August 2004
S.No Details In house Legal Action taken
Analysis and Analysis
Comments And Comments
18. Symposium on BPNI came Legal opinion A letter was
“Approach to across an sought and issued by Dr.
a child with invitation letters were D K Dewan,
chronic cough card send to written state MCH
and medical Secretary, Officer,
infections & professional Commissioner, Directorate
introduction to attend the Assistant of Family
to integrated said Commissioner Welfare to
management of symposium as of Department The medical
Neonatal and well as a of Family Superintenden
Childhood invitation Welfare, t of R.M.L
Illness” letter issued bringing this Hospital,
organised by by Department to their stating that
Nestle for of Pediatrics notice by organising
medical & a symposium
professionals Neonatology, under the
on 7th August Dr. Ram aegis of “
2004 at Ram Manohar Lohia Nestle
Manohar Lohia Hospital, New Nutrition”
Hospital Delhi for the

(R.M.L. faculty Department Hospital), members, have violated New Delhi. residents and the post provisions of graduates to the IMS Act attend the and in future symposium. An such in-house activities analysis was does not done and it happen. was concluded this Act is a clear violation of Section 9 of IMS Act. 19. Article on BPNI noticed Legal opinion Infant two said was sought. Feeding articles on After legal published in infant and in-house Punjab Kesri, feeding. analysis it Delhi on 7th After was concluded August 2004 & analysing the that the Rashtiya contents of articles Sahara on12th the articles violates the August 2004. in respect to provisions of the Section 7 and provisions of Rule 9 of the the IMS Act, IMS Act. it was found that the articles miss on certain particulars as prescribed in the Section 7 and Rule 9 of the Act. 20. Health and BPNI noticed Legal Opinion Opinion Nutrition banners in was sought awaited Programme Mayur Vihar, organised by New Delhi put Nestle in by Nestle for play school organising of Delhi programme in a preschool on 7th August.