(a) Yes, Sir. National Mineral Development Corporation Ltd. (NMDC) a PSU under Ministry of Steel has approval for a number of projects in Bailadila Region in the State of Chhattisgarh. The latest project which is under construction is Bailadila Iron Ore Project Deposit 10&11-A.
(b) The project is to be developed at an estimated cost of Rs. 430.50 crores including foreign exchange component of Rs. 18.61 crores. The rated production of capacity 5 million tonnes of ROM (Haemetite Iron Ore) is to produce the following saleable products.
i) Lump Ore of size (-) 150 (+) 10mm 2.4 million tonnes per annum
ii) Fine Ore (-) 10mm 2.1 million tonnes per annnum
(c) By 15th July,2002.
(d) Originally, NMDC had decided to set up a commercial pig iron plant utilizing iron ore slimes from the mines at Bailadila at Dilmili near Jagdalpur and later at Geedam, Dantewara. However, the plant is now proposed to be set up at Nagarnar which is around 16 KMs from Jagdalpur on the NH Road 43( Raipur-Vijayanagaram Road)
(e) The proposed Pig Iron Steel Plant is based on Romelt Process to produce 0.3 million tonnes per annum tonnes liquid hot metal (premium grade Pig Iron) for steel making. The plant shall also produce 1.96 million tonnes per annum slag which can be made use of in Cement Plants.
(f) To utilize iron ore slimes/ micro fines from Bailadila Mines which is a source of pollution and environmental problems.