(a) whether the Government has taken note of the recent upsurge of dengue cases across the country;

(b) if so, the details thereof indicating the number of related cases and deaths reported during the current year in comparison to each of the last three years, State/UT-wise;

(c) the action plan drawn by the Government to check the recurring menace of dengue and the financial/technical assistance provided to the States/UTs therefor during the said period, State/UTwise;

(d) whether the Government has made any assessment of various preventive measures including larviciding operations such as efficacy of Iranian larvicide`Bioflash` to check the menace of the disease and if so, the details and the outcome thereof; and

(e) the further steps being taken by the Government to facilitate proper diagnosis and treatment of dengue patients in hospitals on priority basis?

Answer given by the minister

THE MINISTER OF HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE (SHRI GHULAM NABI AZAD) (a) to (e) : A Statement is laid on the Table of the House.


(a)&(b): Yes. There is an upsurge in the number of dengue cases during current year in various parts of the country particularly in the States of Kerala, Odisha, Karnataka, Gujarat, Delhi, Assam, Maharashtra, Punjab, Rajasthan, Haryana, Jammu & Kashmir and Madhya Pradesh.

However, number of dengue deaths till November end this year (152) is less than the number of deaths in the same period previous year (236).

Total number of Dengue cases and deaths reported during last three years and the current year are as below:

Year	2010	2011	2012	2013 (prov. till 30th Nov)
Cases	28292	18860	50222	67365
Deaths	110	169	242	152
A statement showing state-wise dengue cases and deaths in the current year and in comparison to each of the last three years, State/UT-wise (till 30th Nov) in the country are at Annexure-I.

(c): The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare recommends to the States Governments to take action in accordance with Committee of Secretaries (CoS) approved Mid Term Plan for prevention and control of dengue in 2011. Technical assistance to states is provided through Guidelines, advisories and during field visits.

Advisories are to the States are issued from time to time by the Minister, Secretary and DGHS.

Field visits are carried out to assess the preparedness and to provide technical guidance to the States. Traning is imparted to clinicians on case management as per GOI guidelines and to other health care functionaries on programme activities.

Focused IEC/BCC activities are carried out for awareness generation of the community at National and State level.

Funds are provided to the States for prevention and control of vector borne diseases including Dengue to implement the public health activities. Total release to States /UTs during last three years and current year (till 31.10.2013) are as below:
(Rs.In Crores)
Year	2010-11	2011-12	2012-13	2013-14 (till 31.10.2013)
Amount	380.51	482.51	284.61	152.45
State-wise releases during last three years and current year (till 31.10.2013) are enclosed at Annexure-II.

(d): Officials from Directorate of NVBDCP and Regional Offices of Health & Family Welfare during field visits to states assess various preventive measures including larviciding operations. Besides, various preventive measures implemented at state level are evaluated every year during Common Review Mission under NRHM.

Directorate of NVBDCP is aware of the Iranian larvicide ‘Bioflash’. National Institute of malaria Research, Delhi (ICMR) has conducted a field trial of the product in Delhi as reported by World Health Organization Pesticide Evaluation Scheme (WHOPES), 2009.

The product is presently not registered under Central Insecticide Board (CIB). However, under the Programme Temephos, Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (Bti), MLO and larvivorous fishes are used currently for larval control.

(e): To augment diagnostic facilities a total of 394 Sentinel Surveillance Hospitals with laboratory facility are identified in endemic States. Besides, 14 Apex Referral Laboratories with advanced diagnostic facilities are also identified across the country. Test kits are provided to these institutes through National Institute of Virology, Pune free of cost. During current year (till 27.11.13), a total of 3163 dengue diagnostic kits (1 Kit= 96 tests) have been provided by Centre to the identified institutes. ELISA based NS1 tests were introduced in 2010 for early detection of cases from 1st day of disease.

There is no specific drug for treatment of dengue cases. Cases are treated symptomatically. National guidelines for clinical management of cases have been sent to the States for circulation in all hospitals. States were asked to develop contingency plan for hospitalization of dengue cases like identification of dedicated beds, alerting the blood banks in case of large numbers of cases.