Question : Assistance to PIB Accredited Journalist

a) the norms being followed/guidelines issued for providing Press Information Bureau (PIB) accredition including the mechanism in place to ensure transparency in granting accreditions;
b) the number of applications received for obtaining PIB accredition along with the number of those approved and those refused indicating the reasons during the last three years;
c) the total number of accredited journalists in the country and facilities being provided to them by the Government;
d) the details of residences available in Delhi for accredited journalists and number of residences allotted to them;
e) whether the facilities like concessional railway ticket and also the residence facility in Delhi to accredited journalists have been discontinued for last many years and if so, the details thereof and reasons therefor; and
f) whether the Government proposes to increase the amount of Rupees five lakh being given as financial assistance to accredited journalists in case of death and if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a) PIB accreditation is granted by Central Press Accreditation Committee (CPAC) as per the guidelines for grant of accreditation to News Media representatives dated 13.09.2012.
(b) During the year 2018-20, 9220 applications for PIB accreditation were received of which 7831 have been granted accreditation. 227 applications were rejected for non-fulfillment of the eligibility conditions.
(c) During the year 2021, 2514 media persons residing in Delhi and its periphery were granted accreditation by PIB. State Governments have their own norms and guidelines relating to accreditation of media persons.
PIB accredited journalists have access to the Media Work Room and PIB’s library in the National Media Centre, New Delhi. They are invited to attend Press Conferences/briefings of the Government of India and are preferred for issuance of passes for coverage of Independence Day and Republic Day ceremonies.

(d) Directorate of Estate has informed that presently, no General Pool Residential Accommodation (GPRA) has been allotted to accredited journalists.
(e) Accredited journalists have been granted concession by Indian Railways. Ministry of Railways has informed that in view of Pandemic & Covid Protocol, concession to all categories of passengers (except 4 categories of Divyangjan, 11 categories of Patients and Students) have been withdrawn from 20.03.2020.
(f) The financial assistance granted under the Journalist Welfare Scheme is periodically reviewed by the Government.


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