(a) whether the Government have achieved self-sufficiency in milk and dairy products; and

(b) if so, the per capita production and actual consumption of milk and dairy products in the country, State-wise ?

Answer given by the minister


(a): As per Economic Survey 2000-2001, the milk production during 1999-2000 is expected to be 78.1 Million M.T. and the estimated per capita availability 214 grams per day. The growth in milk production in the country during 1990-91 to 1999-2000 has been above 4% per annum, which is higher than the growth of population of around 2% per annum. As a result, per capita availability of milk has increased consistently during the last decade. Hence, the country is steadily progressing towards achieving self-sufficiency in milk and milk products.

(b): In Annexure-I and Annexure-II, the per capita per day production of milk and per capita per day consumption of milk and dairy products are given respectively.


Milk Production	Per Capita per day Production	(` 000 MTs.)	(Gram)
States/U.T.s per annum.(1999-2000) Andhra Pradesh 4730 171 Arunachal Pradesh 51 116 Assam 822 86 Bihar 3740 102 Goa 43 73 Gujarat 5124 290 Haryana 4673 642 Himachal Pradesh 745 303 Jammu & Kashmir 1000 274 Karnataka 4925 258 Kerala 2673 226 Madhya Pradesh 5600 191 Maharashtra 5810 174 Manipur 67 72 Meghalaya 65 73 Mizoram 10 29 Nagaland 49.5 80 Orissa 795 61 Punjab 7700 893 Rajasthan 5820 296 Sikkim 42 205 Tamil Nadu 4256 188 Tripura 49 35 Uttar Pradesh 15176 242 West Bengal 3750 130 U.T.s Andaman 23 162 Chandigarh 42 129 Dadra & Nagar Haveli 10 143 Daman & Diu 1 19 Delhi 295 57 Lakshadweep 1 38 Pondicherry 35 86 All India 78122.5 214

Annexure-II Average monthly expenditure per person on consumption of Milk &Milk products for all States, UTs and all India.
Expenditure Per capita per day STATES in rupees consumption in grams+
Rural Urban Rural Urban ANDHRA PRADESH 27.4 53.15 61 118 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 16.3 39.31 36 87 ASSAM 15.05 43.07 33 96 BIHAR 25.77 47.7 57 106 GOA 47.65 73.48 106 163 GUJARAT 78.6 110.88 175 246 HARYANA 164.46 147.09 365 327 HIMACHAL PRADESH 95.29 151.21 212 336 JAMMU & KASHMIR 93.91 111.78 209 248 KARNATAKA 33.75 61.7 75 137 KERALA 37.88 49.27 84 109 MADHYA PRADESH 31.97 63.08 71 140 MAHARASHTRA 29.93 72.61 67 161 MANIPUR 5.46 13.98 12 31 MEGHALAYA 10.01 39.42 22 88 MIZORAM 18.79 45.06 42 100 NAGALAND 36.58 55.97 81 124 ORISSA 7.81 29.23 17 65 PUNJAB 127.89 129.93 284 289 RAJASTHAN 109.86 125.16 244 278 SIKKIM 45.62 61.68 101 137 TAMIL NADU 25.22 57.95 56 129 TIRIPURA 19.92 46.41 44 103 .UTTAR PRADESH 46.67 72.09 104 160 WEST BENGAL 14.65 40.31 33 90 A&N ISLANDS 38.6 62.57 86 139 CHANDIGARH 144.96 172.96 322 384 D&N HAVELI 21.53 101.48 48 226 DAMAN & DIU 55.15 98.69 123 219 DELHI 133.02 154.18 296 343 LAKSHADWEEP 29.3 28.35 65 63 PODICHERRY 29.62 52.47 66 117 ALL INDIA 42.56 74.18 95 165 + Rupees 15 per litter of milk is assumed.