(a) the total quantity and value of textiles and apparels exported during each of the last three years and current year, country-wise ;

(b) whether export thereof has declined in the country during the current year ;

(c) if so, the reasons therefor ;

(d) whether the Government has set any target for export thereof for the Eleventh Five Year Plan ;

(e) if so, the details thereof year-wise; and

(f) the steps taken to achieve the target ?

Answer given by the minister


(a)to(c) : India’s textile items are exported to more than hundred countries. A statement showing year-wise and value- wise textile exports to the top twenty countries is attached. Exports of Textiles have been showing an upward trend.

(d)&(e) : The projection of exports of textiles and apparel during the eleventh plan is attached.

(f) : The Government has been taking a number of steps to achieve the export targets. Some of the important initiatives taken in this regard are as follows :-

i) 100% Foreign Direct Investment is allowed in the textiles sector under the automatic route.

ii) The Government has de-reserved readymade garments, hosiery and knitwear from the small scale industry sector.

iii) The Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme (TUFS) has been made operational from 1-4-1999 to facilitate the modernisation and upgradation of the sector.

iv) A new “Scheme for Integrated Textile Parks” has been formulated by merging the “Scheme for Apparel Parks for Exports” and the “Textiles Centre Infrastructure Development Scheme”, in order to expand the production base of the textiles and garment sector.

v) The fiscal duty structure has been generally rationalised to achieve growth and maximum value addition within the country. Except for mandatory excise duty on man-made filament yarns and man-made staple fibres, the whole value addition chain has been given the option of excise exemption.

vi) Import of specified textiles and garment machinery has been allowed at a concessional rate of customs duty to encourage investment and to make our textiles product competitive in the global market. The cost of machinery has also been reduced through fiscal policy measures.

vii) Duty-free import of 21 items of trimmings and embellishment items is allowed to garment exporters. This can be upto 3% of their actual export performance during the previous year.

viii) For the speedy modernisation of the textiles processing sector, Government has introduced a credit linked capital subsidy scheme @10% under TUFS w.e.f. 20.4.2005, in addition to the existing 5% interest reimbursement.

ix) The National Institute for Fashion Technology (NIFT) and the Apparel Training & Design Centres (ATDCs) are running various courses/programmes at various places in the country to meet the skilled manpower requirement of the textiles industry, especially apparel, in the field of design, merchandising and marketing.

x) Facilities like eco-testing laboratories have been created to enable exporters to get garments/textiles pre-tested so that they conform to the requirements of the importing countries.

Statement referred in reply to parts (a) to (c) of Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No.1245 for answer on 21.08.2007 regarding textile export.


(in million US Dollars) SR. NO. COUNTRY 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-07Apr-Dec
1 U S A 2932 3464 4747 3475 2 U K 923 1058 1374 1005 3 U ARAB EMTS 1121 1126 1001 810 4 GERMAN F REP 829 828 1145 804 5 ITALY 538 667 817 646 6 FRANCE 590 657 826 597 7 CHINA P RP 143 123 546 453 8 SPAIN 335 406 585 392 9 NETHERLAND 292 283 393 330 10 SAUDI ARAB 321 336 361 299 11 CANADA 351 370 410 298 12 BELGIUM 216 245 298 266 13 BANGLADESH 270 280 384 251 14 TURKEY 218 237 270 247 15 JAPAN 245 232 276 208 16 KOREA RP 250 196 253 189 17 SRI LANKA 182 170 220 160 18 DENMARK 123 144 228 158 19 EGYPT A RP 122 139 178 158 20 HONG KONG 178 147 174 116 21 OTHER COUNTRIES 3339 3238 3396 2970 GRAND TOTAL 13518 14346 17882 13832

Statement referred in reply to parts (d) and (e) of Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No.1245 for answer on 21.08.2007 regarding textile export.

Sl.No. Item 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 Ready made Garments 17355 23593 31697 34025 Cotton Textiles 7573 9185 10982 11328 Manmade Textiles 3012 3524 4123 4823 Wool & Woollen Textiles 124 141 160 182 Silk textiles 542 590 643 701 Total 28606 37033 47605 51059 Handicrafts 1917 2224 2580 2993 Coir&Coir Manufactures 234 276 326 384 Jute 417 484 561 651 Grand Total 31174 40017 51072 55087