Question : Water Conservation

(a) the details of projects submitted by the State Government of Rajasthan to his Ministry relating to water conservation/ irrigation during the last three years;
(b) the amount sanctioned/provided to the State Government of Rajasthan or directly to the project developers for each of the project so far along with the status of progress made therein;
(c) whether any amount is pending for disbursement to the State for the projects approved by the Union Government in the year 2011-12; and
(d) if so, the details thereof along with the reasons therefor and the time by which the pending funds are to be released?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b)
(i) 5 project proposals of water conservation/irrigation were submitted by Government of Rajasthan for appraisal and consideration of Advisory Committee of Ministry of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation during the last three years. The details of the projects are given as under:
S.No. Name of Project Status
1 Extension, Renovation & Modernisation (ERM) of Morel Major Project Returned to State Govt. on 15.12.2015
2 ERM of Chhaprawadal Major Project Returned to Stat Govt. on 17.12.2015
3 Kalisindh multipurpose Project(Phase-II) Revised DPR awaited since Dec.-2015
4 Rajasthan Water Sector livelihood Improvement Project (RWSLIP) Under Appraisal
5 Rajasthan Water Sector Restructuring Project in Desert Area (RWSRPD) Under Appraisal

(ii) A proposal for Repair, Renovation and Restoration (RRR) of 68 water bodies for restoration of irrigation facilities in 13197 ha. was submitted by the Government of Rajasthan. A sum of Rs. 35.93 crore has been released as Central Assistance for these water bodies as against the committed central share of 80.72 crores.
(iii) The proposals for two projects, viz Narmada Canal Project and Modernisation of Gang Canal Project had been submitted by the State Government of Rajasthan for availing Central Assistance under Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme (AIBP) during the last three years. Both these projects are nearing completion.
(iv) Another proposal for RRR of 18 water bodies at a cost of Rs. 11.35 crores to create an irrigation potential of 5749 ha. was received. A sum of Rs. 7.05 crore has already been released against the committee central share of Rs. 7.45 crores. 15 of these water bodies are completed; the work on one of these water bodies is in prograss.
(c) & (d) At present, there is no pending proposal for disbursement to the State Govt. for the projects approved during 2011-12 for Major & Medium irrigation projects under AIBP.
However, under the scheme RRR of water bodies Central share to the tune of Rs. 0.38 crore could not be released to State Govt. of Rajasthan due to non submission of proposal by the State Govt.

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