Question : Development of Salt Industry

(a) whether the State Government of Gujarat has submitted a proposal to the Central Government to grant 50 per cent assistance in the projects for development of salt industry and welfare activities for agariyas;

(b) if so, the details thereof along with the action taken by the Government on this proposal;

(c) whether the State Government of Gujarat has also proposed to enhance the share of the Government in the Modified Namak Majdoor Awas Yojana; and

(d) if so, the details thereof along with the decision taken by the Government in this regard?

Answer given by the minister

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(a): The Central Government had received a general reference from the Government of Gujarat in February, 2012 suggesting that the Central Government may contribute 50% of the amount in the project approved by the State Government for the better welfare activities and development in salt producing areas.

(b): In the absence of any concrete and specific proposal, no decision could be taken. The State Government was informed.

(c) & (d): Yes, a proposal was received and Government of India had issued approval for Modified Namak Mazdoor Awas Yojna (MNMAY) on 16th December, 2010. The Scheme was circulated to various salt producing states including Gujarat, for finalizing the implementation proposals as per the approved scheme. The State Governments, including the State of Gujarat, wanted enhanced funding from the Central Government. Since the financial parameters of the Scheme were fixed by the Planning Commission, the State Governments were repeatedly requested to send proposal as per the approved schematic framework. As no implementation proposal, as per the approved scheme, was received from any of the state Government concerned (including the state of Gujarat), the Central Government decided not to proceed further in the implementation of the scheme. The scheme has not been continued in the 12th Five year Plan. Hence no fund was sanctioned by the Central Government under the scheme during the last three years including current financial year.

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