Question : Affordable Cancer Care

whether cancer is a global epidemic that requires radically new approaches through inter-disciplinary and multi-national efforts, if so, the details thereof;
(b) whether the Government had signed any MoU for the partnership between Department of Biotechnology and Cancer Research, UK for the India-UK Cancer Research Initiative for Affordable treatment of Cancer;
(c) if so, the details thereof;
(d) whether India-UK Cancer Research Initiative will provide a cataloging platform for scientists and researchers in UK and India to co-create solutions for affordable cancer care that improve cancer treatment outcomes around the globe;
(e) if so, whether India-UK Cancer Research Initiative provides an opportunity to tackle the global epidemic of cancer by opening new pathways for international knowledge exchange and research base;
(f) if so, the details thereof; and
(g) the amount of investment proposed by both the countries in this initiative?

Answer given by the minister

(Dr. Harsh Vardhan)

(a) Yes, Madam Cancer is a global epidemic with approximately seven lakhs cancer patients being registered every year in India alone and it is estimated that worldwide cancer incidence will rise by 63% by 2040. It requires new approaches to solving complex challenges through inter-disciplinary and multi-national efforts. Many efforts both globally and nationally are being undertaken by various agencies across the world and in India to tackle the global epidemic of cancer.
(b) Yes, the Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India has signed an MoU with Cancer Research UK under the wide-ranging theme of “affordable approaches to cancer”.

(c) Under this agreement the Department of Biotechnology (DBT) and Cancer Research UK (CRUK) have agreed to work together to design, deliver and fund a 5-year, bilateral cancer research initiative under the wide-ranging theme of “affordable approaches to cancer”. The broad aim of this initiative is to support high quality research and deliver innovative and translatable outputs that accelerate progress against cancer outcomes in both countries, and which also have the potential to have major global impact.

The India-UK Cancer Research Initiative will provide a catalysing platform for scientists and researchers in the India and UK to co-create solutions for affordable cancer care that improve cancer outcomes around the globe.

(d), (e) and (f) Yes, this Initiative will build on the respective strengths of India and the UK in biomedical research and innovation. In order to establish new bilateral research partnerships to address agreed cancer research priorities, DBT and CRUK will provide collaborative awards to Indian and UK researchers on the priorities identified. The partnership hopes to bring together interdisciplinary approach for developing affordable solutions to cancer treatment.

The broad aim is to support high quality research and deliver innovative and translatable outputs that accelerate progress against cancer outcomes in both countries, and which also have the potential to have major global impact. The initiative will leverage scientific opportunity in the UK and India including: clinical research, population research and the engineering and physical science.

(g). Over 5 years, the total research funding for the Initiative shall be ten million pounds (approximately ? 90 crores). Both CRUK and DBT will match funding with an equal contribution of five million pounds (approximately ?45 crores) each.

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