Question : Air Sewa

(a) whether the Government intends to bring any mechanism for control and regulation of additional service cost provided by private airlines;

(b) whether the Digi-Yatra ID has been launched across India under the AirSewa App;

(c) the number of grievances received so far on the AirSewa App and the mechanism adopted for the redressal of these grievances;

(d) whether AirSewa 1.0 could not serve its purpose and public could not register their complaints as reviewed by them on Google Play;

(e) whether any assessment has been carried out regarding the grievance redressal and disposal annually in each State;

(f) if so, the details of the States which registered least percentage of disposal of issues and the reasons therefor; and

(g) the steps taken for speedy disposal in such States?

Answer given by the minister

The Minister of State in the Ministry of CIVIL AVIATION
(Shri Jayant Sinha)

(a): As per prevailing regulations, air fares and charges for unbundled services provided by airlines are neither established nor regulated by the Government. Under the provision of Sub Rule (1) of Rule 135 of the Aircraft Rules, 1937, every air transport undertaking engaged in scheduled services are required to establish tariff having regard to all relevant factors, including the cost of operation, characteristic of services, reasonable profit and the generally prevailing tariff.;

(b) : No, Madam. Digi-Yatra ID has not been launched under AirSewa app. ;

(c): A total number of 12,355 grievances have been received through Airsewa upto 26th December, 2018. Each stakeholder has designated a nodal officer and appellate authority for redressal of grievances. Ministry of Civil Aviation also closely monitors disposal of grievances through a control room and regular reviews. ;

(d) to (g): Airsewa 1.0 was developed as an integrated platform enabling air passengers to lodge grievances and access airline and airport information concerning aviation stakeholders at one place. The initial version was well received and AirSewa 2.0 has been further developed with enhanced functionalities such as secure sign-up and log-in with social media, chatbot for travellers support, improved grievance management including social media integration for login & #AirSewa support for grievance registration, real-time flight status/flight schedule details among others. The AirSewa application enables air passengers to lodge stakeholder and category-wise grievances and monitoring of grievances is done stakeholder/ category-wise and not state-wise.;

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