Question : Skill Training and Placement

(a) whether only 82,000 of the 1.76 million officially trained were actually recorded as having jobs;

(b) if so, whether the Government has also initiated steps for maintenance of data about the placement beneficiaries trained under Skill Development Programme; and

(c) if so, the details thereof and the steps taken by the Government in this regard?

Answer given by the minister

(a) to (c) Under Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY), 20,69,871 candidates have been trained throughout the country till now. Under PMKVY 2015-16, it was not mandatory for NSDC’s training partners to report employment data. However, at least 2.37 lakh candidates have been provided with the placement offers under PMKVY 2015-16, as per the reported data.

After successful implementation of Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY) during 2015-16, Government has modified its guidelines to make scheme more effective, transparent and beneficiary oriented. Under PMKVY 2.0, which started from 2nd October 2016 onwards, placement tracking is mandatory. The trainings under PMKVY 2.0 are currently underway. The placement data will be available once first round of training are over.

Under the modified scheme, focus on employment has been significantly enhanced. Scheme incentivizes Training Centers (TCs)/ Training Partners (TPs) for facilitating placement of the trained candidates. TCs are mandated to organize placement/rozgar melas every six month with the support of Sector Skill Council. Further, the reimbursement of last 20% of training cost to TCs would be made only after wage employment or self employment to at least 70% of the trained candidates. Various IT interventions such as Direct Benefit Transfer, Aadhaar linkage of trainers and trainees, Biometric attendance of candidate, SMART portal based Accreditation & Affiliation of TCs etc have been ensured. Additionally, there is a special provision in the scheme to provide post placement support to women, PwDs and candidates from special areas (LWE, North East region and J&K).

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