Question : Allocation of Funds to States

Will the MINISTER OF FINANCE be pleased to state:

(a) the details of quantum of funds allocated to all the States including Jharkhand and Bihar as per tax sharing and other grants during the financial years 2014-15 and 2015-16;
(b) whether any funds are pending to be allocated to States including Jharkhand and Bihar as
per the sharing method proposed by the 14th Finance Commission;
(c) lf so, the details thereof, year/State/UT-wise; and
(d) the time by which the said fund allocations are likely to be made to States including Bihar
and Jharkhand?

Answer given by the minister


(a) The State-wise detail including Jharkhand and Bihar of funds allocation in respect of shareable Taxes/Duties and other Grants as per the approved recommendations of 13th Finance Commission for the year 2014-15 and 14th Finance Commission for 2015-16 is annexed. Share in Union Taxes I Duties are devolved on the basis of Revised Estimates for the year after making adjustment of actual collection of the previous year. Other Grants for a year are devolved as per allocation recommended by the respective Finance Commission. However, U nion Territories do not fall under the jurisdiction of the Finance Commission.

(b) to (d) No fund is pending for allocation to the States including Bihar and Jharkhand in respect of tax devolution as per the sharing method proposed by the 14th Finance Commission.


Funds allocated to the States as per Finance Commission Recommendations during 2014-15 and

Sl. No.

State 2014-15 2015-16

Share in Central Taxes & Duties II Finance Commission Grants

Share in Central
Taxes & Duties 11 Finance Commission Grants

1 Andhra Pradesh 13692.42 2173.62 15866.04 21893.79 8222.26 30116.05
2 Arunachal Pradesh 1109.98 864.83 1974.81 7075.58 158.74 7234.32
3 Assam 12283.71 1303.56 13587.27 16784.88 3282.94 20067.82
4 Bihar 36963.07 3888.04 40851.11 48922.68 2877.76 51800.44
5 Chhattisgarh 8363.03 1706.08 10069.11 15716.47 899.32 16615.79
6 Goa 900.54 327.90 1228.44 1923.76 38.54 1962.30
7 Gujarat 10296.35 3285.77 13582.12 15690.43 2075.91 17766.34
8 Haryana 3548.09 1147.44 4695.53 5496.22 849.89 6346.11
9 Himachal Pradesh 2644.17 1197.66 3841.83 3611.17 8436.15 12047.32
10 Jammu & Kashmir 4477.23 2971.01 7448.24 7813.48 10620.76 18434.24
11 Jharkhand 9487.01 1885.24 11372.25 15968.75 1109.57 17078.32
12 Karnataka 14654.25 3736.28 18390.53 23983.34 1771.93 25755.27
13 Kerala 7926.29 1733.44 9659.73 12690.67 5564.17 18254.84
14 Madhya Pradesh 24106.99 3802.83 27909.82 38397.84 2618.15 41015.99
15 Maharashtra 17602.97 5526.82 23129.79 28105.95 3926.81 32032.76
16 Manipur 1526.95 1744.71 3271.66 3142.42 2121.92 5264.34
17 Meghalaya 1381.69 875.44 2257.13 3276.46 642.63 3919.09
18 Mizoram 910.67 1066.37 1977.04 2348.11 2165.84 4513.95
19 Nagaland 1062.69 2116.14 3178.83 2540.72 3224.23 5764.95
20 Orissa 16181.21 2553.06 18734.27 23573.75 1685.87 25259.62
21 Punjab 4702.97 1649.33 6352.30 8008.90 969.61 8978.51
22 Rajasthan 19817.14 4243.70 24060.84 27915.93 2732.32 30648.25
23 Sikkim 809.33 456.32 1265.65 1870.28 48.72 1919.00
24 Tamil Nadu 16824.03 4262.61 21086.64 20353.86 2246.94 22600.80
25 Telangana 9795.40 1642.80 11438.20 12350.72 11005.42 23356.14
26 Tripura 1730.13 1023.88 2754.01 3266.02 1111.07 4377.09
27 Uttar Pradesh 66622.91 7341.57 73964.48 90973.66 1174.55 92148.21
28 Uttaranchal 3792.30 907.37 4699.67 5333.19 5352.45 10685.64
29 West Bengal 24594.93 3408.61 28003.54 37163.93 470.55 37634.48
TOTAL 337808.45 68842.43 406650.88 506192.96 87405.02 593597.98

fund allocation for the year is on RE basis after adjustment of Actuals of previous year.

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