Question : Welfare Schemes in Left Wing Affected Areas

(a) the details of the schemes being implemented by the Government for integrated social development and welfare of the Scheduled Tribes and people living in areas affected by Left Wing extremism;
(b) whether the Government has allocated adequate funds for the said schemes programmes during the last three years and the current year;
(c) if so, the details thereof, State/UT-wise including Chhattisgarh; and
(d) the monitoring system put in place by the Government to monitor the utilization of funds under the said schemes/programmes along with the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister

(a) to (c): Tribal Sub-Plan (TSP), now called as Scheduled Tribe Component (STC) is a dedicated source of fund for tribal development in the country. STC is a multi-pronged strategy which includes support for education, health, sanitation, water supply, livelihood etc. Major part of infrastructure development in tribal dominated areas and provision of basic amenities to tribal people in the country is carried out through various schemes / programmes of concerned Central Ministries and the State Governments concerned, while the Ministry of Tribal Affairs (MoTA) provides additive to these initiatives by way of plugging gaps. Details of schemes being implemented by the Central Government and scheme wise allocation of funds meant for tribal development are reflected in the Union Budget as Statement 10B and the same are available in the public domain at Overall about 2 lakh Crore is earmarked under STC / TSP for tribal development in a year under various schemes of Central and State Government. Out of which about 80% of the funds are earmarked by the State Government, 17% of the funds rests with Central line Ministries / Departments and remaining 3% allocated through Ministry of Tribal Affairs. Details of fund allocated for tribal development during last three years and current year is as below:
(Rs. in crore)
TSP Component 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
State Component 1,46,625 1,66,262 1,75,349 1,70,004
Central Ministries / Departments 25,045 29,398 38,262 46,308
Funds under MoTA 5,286 5,956 7292 5,473
Total 1,76,956 2,01,616 2,20,903 2,21,785

Details of funds allocated and spent by State Government under their Schemes for welfare and development of STs during 2017-18 to 2020-21 is at Annexure 1. Details of funds released under MoTA schemes to the States and other agencies during last three financial years and current fiscal is at Annexure 2.
As informed by Ministry of Home Affairs, to address the LWE menace holistically, a National Policy and Action Plan was promulgated in 2015 to address Left Wing Extremism (LWE). It comprises a multi-pronged approach involving security related measures, development interventions, ensuring rights and entitlements of local communities etc. Presently 90 districts are covered under Security Related Expenditure (SRE) Scheme and are considered as LWE affected districts, some of which have substantial population of Scheduled Tribes. Of these 30 districts are considered as most LWE affected for focused attention. Details of such Districts are at Annexure 3. Funds released to States under 03 schemes, being implemented by MHA (LWE Division) are given in Annexure4.
On development side, the Central Government has taken several specific measures, apart from the flagship schemes, in the LWE affected districts, to improve road connectivity, Telecomm network and financial inclusion:
i. Construction of 5422 km roads is envisaged under Road Requirement Plan-I. The scheme is implemented by Ministry of Road Transport & Highways (MoRTH). Of these 4970 km roads are constructed. Of these 2046 km roads has been constructed after April-2014.
ii. The Road Connectivity Project for LWE Affected Areas (RCPLWE), being implemented by Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD), was approved in December-2016. Under the scheme 9268 km roads have been sanctioned. Of these 3060 km are completed.
iii. To improve telecom connectivity, 2335 mobile towers are installed in phase-I of the Mobile Tower Project, Further GoI has approved installation of 4072 mobile towers in phase-II of the Mobile Tower Project in May-2018. These projects are implemented by Department of Telecommunication(DoT)
iv. For financial inclusion of the local populace in these areas, 1170 Bank Branches, 959 ATMs and 12628 Banking Correspondents in 30 Most LWE Affected Districts in last 05 years, by Department of Financial Services(DFS).

To give further impetus for development in the most LWE affected districts, funds are provided to the States under ''Special Central Assistance (SCA)'' to fill the critical gaps in public infrastructure and services. Till now Rs.2541 crore has been released to the States under the scheme.

(d):In regard to sectoral programmes and schemes of development, progress of works and utilization of funds allocated are done by the respective Central Line Ministries and State Governments as per their laid down schematic norms. During January, 2017, Ministry of Tribal Affairs (MoTA) has been given mandate for monitoring of Tribal Sub-Plan funds based on the framework and mechanism designed by NITI Aayog. Accordingly, an online monitoring system has been put in place with web address The framework captures data directly from Public Finance Management System (PFMS) and gives inputs to see through expenditure vis-a- vis allocations under various schemes of Central Ministries / Departments and scheme-wise details of fund released to the State Government.
MoTA has also adopted mechanism of Project Appraisal Committee (PAC) for appraisal, approval and review of projects sanctioned under the scheme ‘Special Central Assistance to Tribal Sub-Scheme (SCA to TSS)’.’Development of Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PVTGs)’ and under Grants under Article 275(1) of the Constitution of India. The Committee is headed by Secretary (Tribal Affairs) with representatives of State Governments, Financial Advisor, NITI Aayog, etc. During PAC meetings, Ministry emphasizes the need for adherence to the provisions of Tribal Sub-Plan Guidelines by the States. Further, State Tribal Welfare Department have been persuaded through letters to Chief Secretary / Principal Secretary (Tribal Development Departments) / discussions in the meetings for –
(i) Declaring Tribal Development Department as the nodal Department to lead the process of tribal development.
(ii) Constitution of Executive Committee as stipulated in the TSP Guidelines to ensure proper planning, coordination and convergence with the State Governments Departments.
(iii) Address gaps and deficit to mitigate inter-habitation variance / inequalities in the socio-economic status of tribals as compared to other social groups.
(iv) Allocation of TSP funds as per norms stipulated in the TSP Guidelines.
(v) Monitoring of TSP in the manner it has been stipulated in the Guidelines.
Further, Ministry of Tribal Affairs has taken following steps to monitor progress of work:
(i) Ministry of Tribal Affairs has developed an online portal “ADIGRAMS” to ensure effective planning, management and implementation of five schemes/Grants of MoTAi.e. “SCA to TSS”, Conservation-cum-Development of PVTGs”, “MSP to MFP”, “Institutional Support” and “Grant under Article 275 (1) of the constitution. The portal is meant to capture necessary data and information for monitoring of these schemes/grant.
(ii) Review of physical and financial progress of projects / activities by the Project Appraisal Committee (PAC) of the Ministry while considering the Annual Plan of the States.
(iii) Mid-term review meeting with States are held under the chairmanship of Secretary(TA).
(iv) Utilization Certificates and Progress reports regarding the status of implementation of schemes are obtained.
(v) Officers while visiting States/UTs also ascertain the progress of implementation of various schemes/ programmes of the Ministry of Tribal Affairs.
(vi) Besides NITI Aayog conduct evaluation studies of the scheme from time to time.

Annexure 1

Annexure 1 referred to in reply to part (a) to (c) of the Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. 4178 for answer on 22.03.2021

Details of State TSP Allocation and Expenditure during 2017-18 (as on 08.03.2021):

(? in crore)
S. No. State/U.T % ST Popln (2011) FY 2017-18
Total State Plan Outlay TSP Aln. % TSP Aln. TSP Exp. % Exp
1 Andhra Pradesh 5.3 60918.82 3528.75 5.79 3356.10 95.11
2 Andaman & Nicobar 7.5 4799.25 392.20 8.17 390.85 99.66
3 Arunachal Pradesh 68.8 48.15 48.15 100.00 36.25 75.30
4 Assam 12.4 18212.00 1351.22 7.42 1328.30 98.30
5 Bihar 1.3 70316.00 1091.51 1.55 760.01 69.63
6 Chhattisgarh 30.6 62466.02 20237.22 32.40 15457.13 76.38
7 Dadra & Nagar Haveli and Daman & Diu 33.0 21.45 21.45 100.00 21.45 100.00
8 Goa 10.2 14716.12 303.68 2.06 210.84 69.43
9 Gujarat 14.8 85144.00 12559.00 14.75 11058.00 88.05
10 Himachal Pradesh 5.7 5700.00 513.00 9.00 440.50 85.87
11 Jharkhand 26.2 44100.91 17527.51 39.74 14627.66 83.46
12 Karnataka 7.0 111472.00 8314.76 7.46 7700.21 92.61
13 Kerala 1.5 26500.00 751.08 2.83 612.95 81.61
14 Lakshadweep 94.8 5.48 5.48 100.00 5.48 100.00
15 Madhya Pradesh 21.1 104358.17 25862.15 24.78 23338.77 90.24
16 Maharashtra 9.4 77184.00 6783.74 8.79 6162.94 90.85
17 Meghalaya 86.1 12510.00 12510.00 100.00 9257.79 74.00
18 Odisha 22.8 31300.30 4859.17 15.52 4760.08 97.96
19 Rajasthan 13.5 86094.45 12896.43 14.98 11345.57 87.97
20 Sikkim 33.8 1755.04 10.35 0.59 7.81 75.46
21 Tamil Nadu 1.1 54564.19 607.49 1.11 630.15 103.73
22 Telangana 9.3 88038.80 8165.87 9.28 5868.00 71.86
23 Tripura 31.8 4734.71 1563.95 33.03 1270.18 81.22
24 Uttar Pradesh 0.6 426453.81 577.77 0.14 354.01 61.27
25 Uttarakhand 2.9 42798.31 424.59 0.99 286.61 67.50
26 West Bengal 5.8 64847.33 5718.79 8.82 4443.54 77.70
Total 8.6 1499059.32 146625.31 9.78 123731.17 84.39

Details of State TSP Allocation and Expenditure during 2018-19 (as on 08.03.2021):

(? in crore)
S. No. State/U.T % ST Popln (2011) FY 2018-19
Total State Plan Outlay TSP Aln. % TSP Aln. TSP Exp. % Exp
1 Andhra Pradesh 5.3 89942.21 4176.61 4.64 3537.94 84.71
2 Andaman & Nicobar 7.5 4659.60 236.12 5.07 236.08 99.98
3 Arunachal Pradesh 68.8 83.97 83.97 100.00 60.27 71.78
4 Assam 12.4 24232.00 1942.76 8.02 1857.51 95.61
5 Bihar 1.3 82269.22 1254.97 1.53 1067.59 85.07
6 Chhattisgarh 30.6 77073.34 23329.55 30.27 17279.95 74.07
7 Dadra & Nagar Haveli and Daman & Diu 33.0 13.77 13.77 100.00 13.77 100.00
8 Goa 10.2 16739.71 391.34 2.34 213.64 54.59
9 Gujarat 14.8 92102.00 13278.00 14.42 11744.00 88.45
10 Himachal Pradesh 5.7 6300.00 567.00 9.00 466.18 82.22
11 Jharkhand 26.2 45619.60 19957.24 43.75 16156.61 80.96
12 Karnataka 7.0 209181.37 8614.04 4.12 7913.50 91.87
13 Kerala 1.5 29150.00 699.69 2.40 616.48 88.11
14 Lakshadweep 94.8 5.74 5.74 100.00 5.74 100.00
15 Madhya Pradesh 21.1 114789.51 27474.57 23.93 24237.38 88.22
16 Maharashtra 9.4 95000.00 8969.05 9.44 7274.14 81.10
17 Meghalaya 86.1 14104.00 14104.00 100.00 12158.64 86.21
18 Odisha 22.8 38944.79 5807.80 14.91 5321.75 91.63
19 Rajasthan 13.5 105703.91 14584.20 13.80 13576.47 93.09
20 Sikkim 33.8 1220.35 6.12 0.50 2.53 41.34
21 Tamil Nadu 1.1 55498.17 794.25 1.43 632.94 79.69
22 Telangana 9.3 104757.90 9693.12 9.25 6510.00 67.16
23 Tripura 31.8 5705.64 2368.31 41.51 1538.99 64.98
24 Uttar Pradesh 0.6 499135.11 977.24 0.20 686.91 70.29
25 Uttarakhand 2.9 47884.28 515.06 1.08 262.21 50.91
26 West Bengal 5.8 80190.14 6417.91 8.00 5129.63 79.93
Total 8.6 1840306.32 166262.43 9.03 138500.85 83.30

Details of State TSP Allocation and Expenditure during 2019-20 (as on 08.03.2021):

(? in crore)
S. No. State/U.T % ST Popln (2011) FY 2019-20
Total State Plan Outlay TSP Aln. % TSP Aln. TSP Exp. % Exp
1 Andhra Pradesh 5.3 92696.81 4988.53 5.38 3281.46 65.78
2 Andaman & Nicobar 7.5 5029.16 130.03 2.59 127.65 98.17
3 Arunachal Pradesh 68.8 86.02 86.02 100.00 49.45 57.49
4 Assam 12.4 25186.00 2056.32 8.16 1965.05 95.56
5 Bihar 1.3 102977.40 1194.28 1.16 1126.97 94.36
6 Chhattisgarh 30.6 76546.17 22012.66 28.76 16422.09 74.60
7 Dadra & Nagar Haveli and Daman & Diu 33.0 12.41 12.41 100.00 12.41 100.00
8 Goa 10.2 19548.69 404.42 2.07 227.86 56.34
9 Gujarat 14.8 106308.00 14567.00 13.70 12809.00 87.93
10 Himachal Pradesh 5.7 7100.00 639.00 9.00 639.00 100.00
11 Jharkhand 26.2 49142.62 20886.15 42.50 16312.27 78.10
12 Karnataka 7.0 234153.00 7879.11 3.36 7227.59 91.73
13 Kerala 1.5 30610.00 866.26 2.83 504.36 58.22
14 Lakshadweep 94.8 5.47 5.47 100.00 5.47 100.00
15 Madhya Pradesh 21.1 139774.64 33466.66 23.94 26980.30 80.62
16 Maharashtra 9.4 99000.00 8531.00 8.62 6833.55 80.10
17 Meghalaya 86.1 16199.00 16199.00 100.00 15785.74 97.45
18 Odisha 22.8 46380.13 7374.29 15.90 6022.73 81.67
19 Rajasthan 13.5 111080.15 14981.24 13.49 13819.01 92.24
20 Sikkim 33.8 637.34 2.63 0.41 1.51 57.41
21 Tamil Nadu 1.1 56849.96 1277.84 2.25 1015.84 79.50
22 Telangana 9.3 75263.24 7184.87 9.55 6357.84 88.49
23 Tripura 31.8 6205.25 2772.42 44.68 1794.55 64.73
24 Uttar Pradesh 0.6 526809.21 1027.01 0.19 823.37 80.17
25 Uttarakhand 2.9 51145.29 516.54 1.01 302.93 58.65
26 West Bengal 5.8 89329.48 6287.53 7.04 5303.00 84.34
Total 8.6 1968075.44 175348.69 8.91 145751.01 83.12

Details of State TSP Allocation and Expenditure during 2020-21 (as on 08.03.2021):

(? in crore)
S. No. State/U.T % ST Popln (2011) FY 2020-21*
Total State Plan Outlay TSP Aln. % TSP Aln. TSP Exp. % Exp
1 Andhra Pradesh 5.3 104334.90 5177.54 4.96 3847.63 74.31
2 Andaman & Nicobar 7.5 5234.26 260.09 4.97 99.02 38.07
3 Arunachal Pradesh 68.8 76.73 76.73 100.00 76.73 100.00
4 Assam 12.4 28230.00 1609.64 5.70 NR NA
5 Bihar 1.3 105262.34 1049.18 1.00 18.57 1.77
6 Chhattisgarh 30.6 95438.85 20919.60 21.92 4627.71 22.12
7 Dadra & Nagar Haveli and Daman & Diu 33.0 17.45 17.45 100.00 0.71 4.05
8 Goa 10.2 21056.35 413.95 1.97 22.78 5.50
9 Gujarat 14.8 110529.00 14106.00 12.76 3375.00 23.93
10 Himachal Pradesh 5.7 7900.00 711.00 9.00 NR NA
11 Jharkhand 26.2 48924.94 20201.43 41.29 1119.87 5.54
12 Karnataka 7.0 237893.00 7805.50 3.28 4712.78 60.38
13 Kerala 1.5 27610.00 781.36 2.83 178.22 22.81
14 Lakshadweep 94.8 6.93 6.93 100.00 6.93 100.00
15 Madhya Pradesh 21.1 99029.67 24261.29 24.50 7467.44 30.78
16 Maharashtra 9.4 108000.00 8853.00 8.20 2144.91 24.23
17 Meghalaya 86.1 17375.00 17375.00 100.00 16912.64 97.34
18 Odisha 22.8 46638.10 6808.23 14.60 2156.55 31.68
19 Rajasthan 13.5 110200.82 16017.65 14.53 8355.99 52.17
20 Sikkim 33.8 818.43 1.00 0.12 0.00 0.00
21 Tamil Nadu 1.1 64255.96 1299.47 2.02 266.17 20.48
22 Telangana 9.3 104612.62 9771.28 9.34 3583.12 36.67
23 Tripura 31.8 6529.34 2573.98 39.42 777.22 30.20
24 Uttar Pradesh 0.6 512860.72 1195.97 0.23 507.67 42.45
25 Uttarakhand 2.9 53526.97 498.64 0.93 36.34 7.29
26 West Bengal 5.8 95203.74 8211.59 8.63 4338.17 52.83
Total 8.6 2011566.12 170003.50 8.45 64632.16 38.02
* Provisional
Popln= Population,Aln = Allocation, Exp. = Expenditure

Annexure 2
Annexure 2 referred to in reply to part (a) to (c) of the Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. 4178 for answer on 22.03.2021

Fund release by MoTA to State & other agencies in FY- 2017-18,2018-19,2019-20,2020-21(as on 16.03.2021)
State FY 2017-18 FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21
(1 April 2017 to 31 March 2018) (1 April 2018 to 31 March 2019) (1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020) (1 April 2020 to 16 March 2021)
State Govt. Other Agencies Total State Govt. Other Agencies Total State Govt. Other Agencies Total State Govt. Other Agencies Total
(Rs. In Crores)
ANDHRA PRADESH 250.844 0.81 251.654 304.601 1.608 306.208 341.598 1.159 342.756 163.892 0.878 164.769
ARUNACHAL PRADESH 148.305 6.704 155.008 165.192 5.041 170.233 294.638 3.567 298.205 189.266 2.802 192.068
ASSAM 27.001 3.99 30.991 75.177 3.152 78.329 191.998 0.655 192.653 146.386 0.36 146.746
BIHAR 13.591 0.343 13.934 -- 0.123 0.123 86.569 0.032 86.601 17.022 0.091 17.113
CHHATTISGARH 322.563 1.636 324.199 328.141 2.008 330.149 457.508 1.604 459.112 286.476 0.255 286.731
GOA 13.867 4.658 18.525 13.151 -- 13.151 8.134 0.008 8.142 14.263 0.008 14.271
GUJARAT 427.437 17.212 444.649 615.484 3.487 618.97 472.104 3.099 475.203 424.551 3.24 427.791
HIMACHAL PRADESH 74.893 2.588 77.481 74.3 3.115 77.415 103.29 1.83 105.121 26.699 1.097 27.796
JAMMU AND KASHMIR 89.981 0.249 90.23 65.365 0.202 65.567 112.761 0.459 113.22 8.054 -- 8.054
JHARKHAND 302.242 11.603 313.845 280.537 17.786 298.323 292.462 11.595 304.057 168.727 4.024 172.751
KARNATAKA 226.72 4.729 231.449 198.566 5.724 204.29 368.383 2.931 371.314 37.705 2.811 40.516
KERALA 55.582 2.215 57.798 46.091 2.051 48.142 26.418 0.532 26.95 39.49 1.922 41.411
MADHYA PRADESH 701.147 6.253 707.4 723.115 11.649 734.765 863.165 6.199 869.364 242.412 4.401 246.813
MAHARASHTRA 397.338 6.685 404.023 477.719 6.202 483.921 534.892 8.045 542.936 241.343 3.867 245.211
MANIPUR 133.643 2.941 136.584 153.875 2.138 156.014 151.418 3.322 154.741 23.942 2.401 26.343
MEGHALAYA 45.306 7.71 53.016 109.009 8.669 117.678 85.875 14.65 100.525 8.21 8.665 16.874
MIZORAM 57.095 0.86 57.955 98.361 1.159 99.52 163.688 0.472 164.161 88.253 0.713 88.967
NAGALAND 69.683 -- 69.683 180.27 0.496 180.766 135.3 0.004 135.303 69.496 0.045 69.542
ODISHA 438.494 22.552 461.046 649.152 31.151 680.303 485.167 28.927 514.093 430.61 14.502 445.112
RAJASTHAN 446.973 0.929 447.902 406.342 3.331 409.673 598.759 1.991 600.75 468.909 2.224 471.133
SIKKIM 81.443 0.938 82.382 19.112 0.857 19.969 38.282 0.305 38.587 10.792 0.095 10.887
TAMIL NADU 56.164 4.153 60.317 51.995 4.433 56.427 132.41 2.733 135.143 206.84 1.718 208.558
TELANGANA 290.156 16.524 306.68 177.017 7.474 184.492 360.409 0.22 360.629 199.165 1.424 200.589
TRIPURA 93.851 0.967 94.819 80.333 3.796 84.129 95.546 5.361 100.906 67.205 0.165 67.37
UTTAR PRADESH 21.502 1.157 22.659 22.842 0.711 23.553 53.633 0.103 53.737 37.721 1.038 38.759
UTTARAKHAND 30.913 0.485 31.397 28.34 1.404 29.744 22.109 1.592 23.701 33.745 0.648 34.393
WEST BENGAL 141.277 9.978 151.255 198.389 13.51 211.899 218.817 6.961 225.777 113.512 4.535 118.047
ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR -- 2 2 -- 0.034 0.034 -- 0.059 0.059 -- -- --
CHANDIGARH -- -- -- -- 0.011 0.011 -- 0.009 0.009 -- 0.006 0.006
DAMAN & DIU -- 0.038 0.038 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
DELHI -- 122.223 122.223 -- 2.332 2.332 -- 18.522 18.522 -- 1062.852 1062.852
HARYANA -- 0.305 0.305 -- 0.415 0.415 -- 0.142 0.142 -- 0.88 0.88
PUDUCHERRY -- 0.001 0.001 -- -- -- -- 0.187 0.187 0.212 0.164 0.376
PUNJAB -- 0.314 0.314 -- 0.247 0.247 -- 0.089 0.089 -- 0.157 0.157
DADRA AND NAGAR HAVELI -- -- -- -- 0.2 0.2 -- 1.272 1.272 16.881 19.221 36.103
LADAKH -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 0.222 0.222
CENTRAL AGENCY & Others -- 63.919 41.919 -- 267.642 243.642 -- 347.057 435.057 -- 260.647 260.647
Total 4958.011 327.669 5285.68 5542.47 412.158 5954.628 6695.333 475.69 7171.023 3781.782 1408.076 5189.858

Annexure 3
Annexure 3 referred to in reply to part (a) to (c) of the Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. 4178 for answer on 22.03.2021

List of 90 districts covered under the SRE Scheme for LWE affected States
S.No State Number of Districts Name of Districts
1 Andhra Pradesh 6 East Godavari, Guntur, Srikakulam, Visakhapatnam, Vizianagaram, WestGodavari
2 Bihar 16 Arwal Aurangabad, Banka, East Champaran, Gaya, Jamui, Jehanabad, Kaimur, Lakhisarai, Munger, Muzaffarpur, Nalanda,Nawada, Rohtas, Vaishali, WestChamparan
3 Chhattisgarh 14 Balod, Balrampur, Bastar, Bijapur, Dantewada, Dhamtari, Gariyaband, Kanker, Kondagaon, Mahasamund, Narayanpur, Rajnandgaon, Sukma, Kabirdham
4 Jharkhand 19 Bokaro,Chatra,Dhanbad,Dumka,EastSinghbhum, Garhwa, Giridih, Gumla, Hazaribagh, Khunti, Koderma, Latehar, Lohardaga, Palamu, Ramgarh, Ranchi, Simdega, Saraikela-Kharaswan,West
5 Madhya Pradesh 2 Balaghat, Mandia
6 Maharashtra 3 Chandrapur,Gadchiroli, Gandia
7 Odisha 15 Angul, Bargarh, Bolangir, Boudh, Deogarh, Kalahandi, Kandhamal, Koraput, Malkangiri, Nabrangpur, Nayagarh, Nuapada,Rayagada,
Sambhalpur, Sundargarh
8 Telangana 8 Adilabad, Bhadradri-Kothagudem, Jayashankar-Bhupalpally, Khammam,Komaram-Bheem, Mancherial, Peddapalle, WarangalRural
9 UttarPradesh 3 Chandauli, Mirzapur and Sonebhadra
10 West Bengal 1 Jhargram
11 Kerala 3 Malappuram, Palakkad, Wayanad
Tot 90

List of Most affected LWE districts

State Number
of Districts
Name of Districts
1. Andhra Pradesh 01 Vishakhapatnam


04 Aurangabad



08 Bijapur
4. Jharkhand 13 Gumla
West Singhbhum
5 Maharashtra 01 Gadchiroli
6 Odisha 02 Koraput,
7 Telangana 01 Shadradi-Kothagudam
Total 30

Annexure 4
Annexure 4 referred to in reply to part (a) to (c) of the Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. 4178 for answer on 22.03.2021

1. Security Related Expenditure (SRE/LWE)Scheme
(Rs. In crore
I Fund Released
State FY 2017-18 FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21
Andhra Pradesh 21.04 11.60 37.23 8.96
Bihar 30.63 14.14 17.70 14.23
Chhattisgarh 92.75 54.53 120.81 140.61
Jharkhand 93.37 64.54 123.52 56.32
Kerala - 2.94 2.83 -
Madhya Pradesh 2.90 1.94 1.23 0.83
Maharashtra 31.86 13.12 21.11 21.25
Odisha 125.82 12.72 12.81 8.80
Telangana 17.22 6.26 16.12 9.00
Uttar Pradesh 7.29 7.15 4.45 3.22
West Bengal 22.12 11.07 9.44 3.73
Grand Total 445.00 200.00 367.26 266.95

2. Special Infrastructure Scheme(SIS)
(Rs. In crore)
I S.No. State FY 2017-18 FY 2019-20
1 Andhra Pradesh 3.00 9.83
2 Bihar 8.00 12.38
3 Chhattisgarh 13.00 23.63
4 Jharkhand 14.00 24.66
5 Kerala - 0.90
6 Madhya Pradesh 2.90 0.71
7 Maharashtra 3.00 7.50
8 Odisha 6.00 11.61
9 Telangana 3.00 10.12
10. Uttar Pradesh - 1.35
Grand Total 52.9 102.69

3. Special Central Assistance(SCA) for Most LWE Affected Districts

(Rs. In crore)
State 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
Andhra Pradesh 5 33.33 20 14.25
Bihar 30 133.33 133.32 80.00
Chhattisgarh 40 266.67 266.64 71.25
Jharkhand 80 433.33 433.29 199.00
Maharashtra 5 33.33 20 0.00
Odisha 10 66.67 66.66 14.25
Telangana 5 33.34 33.33 14.25
Total 175 1000 973.24 393.00


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