(a) to (c): The Government has accorded priority to the issue of malnutrition and has been
implementing several schemes/ programmes of different Ministries/Departments through State
Governments/UTs which impact, directly, or indirectly on the nutrition status. Some of the
direct interventions on nutrition are (i) Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) scheme,
(ii) Mid Day Meal Scheme (MDM), (iii) National Rural Health Mission (NRHM),& (iv) Targeted
Public Distribution System (TPDS), Rajiv Gandhi Scheme for Empowerment of Adolescent Girls (RGSEAG)- SABLA in 200 districts and Indira Gandhi Matritva Sahyog Yojana (IGMSY) â The CMB
on pilot basis in 52 districts Besides these, schemes such as Drinking Water and Total Sanitation
Campaign, Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MNREGS),etc indirectly
impact the nutrition of children.
Many of these schemes namely ICDS, NRHM, MDM and MNREGS have been expanded recently to provide
for increased coverage and improved services which would further improve the nutrition status.
Under the Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) Scheme, supplementary nutrition is
provided to bridge the gap between the Recommended Dietary Allowance and the Actual Dietary
Intake. Children under six years are provided with 500 k.calories and 12-15 g protein while
severely underweight children are given 800 k. calories and 20-25g of protein. The nutritional
norms for pregnant & lactating mother are 600 k. calories & 18-20 g protein. Besides the
supplementary nutrition, the other services under ICDS include pre-school non-formal education
for children, nutrition & health education, immunization, health check-up and referral services.
State-wise beneficiaries are as per Annex I.The details of the funds released to States/ UTs
and utilization thereof reported by States during last three years and current year upto
31st July, 2011 under ICDS Supplementary Nutrition are at Annex II.
The recently introduced Rajiv Gandhi Scheme for Empowerment of Adolescent Girls (RGSEAG)- SABLA
would provide a package of services including health and nutrition to adolescent girls in the age
group of 11-18 years in 200 districts across the country on pilot basis . The scheme was
launched during the last quarter, 2010-11 and 34.86 lakh Adolescent girls were covered
under the scheme. Nearly 12.5 lakh Pregnant and Lactating women per annum, from 52 selected
districts, are expected to benefit under Indira Gandhi Matritva Sahyog Yojana (IGMSY).
The fund allocated and released are as per Annex. III & IV for SABLA and IGMSY respectively.
Mid Day Meal Scheme covers children of class I-VIII studying in Government , local body,
Government aided and National Child Labour Project school and centres run under Education
Guarantee Scheme (EGS)/ Alternative & Innovative Education (AIE) centres including Madrasas /
Maktabs supported under Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan(SSA). The State âwise number of beneficiaries
and details of the fund released to States/ UTs and utilization during last three years and
current year under MDM are as Annex-V and VI.
The Government is allocating food grains at subsidized rates for 6.52 crore Below Poverty
Line (BPL) and Antyodaya Anna Yojna (AAY) ration card holder families under Targeted Public
Distribution System (TPDS). Under this scheme , foodgrains are allocated to the State/UTs @35 kg
per BPL/AAY family per month. Depending upon availability of food grains in the Central Pool,
food grains are allocated for Above Poverty Line (APL) families @ 15 to 35 kg per family per
month also.
Physical achievement under some of the scheme which directly or indirectly help to improve
the nutritional status of women and children is in annex-VII