Question : Status of NCRMP

(a) the present status of the National Cyclone Risk Mitigation Project (NCRMP) Phase I along with the details of approved/functional cyclone shelters at present, State/UT-wise;

(b) the States that are covered under the NCRMP Phase II and the approximate coastline proposed to be covered under the project in Phase I and Phase II;

(c) the total cost involved in the project and the amount incurred on the project till date, State/UT-wise alongwith the aims and objectives and principal component of the project;

(d) whether NCRMP will be funded by World Bank and if so, the quantum of funds provided by World Bank; and

(e) whether State Governments would also partially contribute funds for the project, if so, the details thereof and the time by which the project is likely to be completed?

Answer given by the minister


(a): The Government of India had approved Phase-I of the National Cyclone Risk Mitigation Project for implementation in two States namely Andhra Pradesh and Odisha. The details of approved and completed/functional cyclone shelters, are at Annexure-I.

(b): Six States namely Goa, Gujarat, Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra and West Bengal are covered under NCRMP Phase-II and the approximate total coastline to be covered under the project in Phase-I and Phase-II is 4425 Km.

(c): The total cost involved in the NCRMP Phase-I and II is Rs. 4902.95 crore. The amount incurred on the project till date, States wise, is at Annexure-II.

Aim of NCRMP is to minimize vulnerability in the cyclone hazard prone States of India and to make people and infrastructure disaster resilient, in harmony with conservation of coastal ecosystems.

Objectives of the project are to fulfill its Mission by undertaking following structural and non structural measures:


L.S.US.Q.NO.1355 FOR 18.12.2018

i. Early warning and communication system by improving the Last Mile connectivity.
ii. Construction and sustainable maintenance of Multi-purpose Cyclone Shelters (MPCSs), Improved access and evacuation to these and already existing MPCSs and habituations through construction of roads and bridges, construction of coastal embankments in selected places for protection against storms, flooding and storm surge in high risk areas and underground cabling.

iii. Enhanced capacity and capability of local communities to respond to disasters, and Strengthening Disaster Risk Mitigation (DRM) capacity at Central, State and Local levels in order to enable mainstreaming of risk mitigation measures into the overall development agenda.

The Project has the following four principle components:

Component A – Last Mile Connectivity
Component B- Structural and Non Structural Measures
Component C- Technical Assistance for Cyclone Hazard Risk Mitigation Capacity Building and knowledge creation.
Component D- Project Management and Implementation Support.

L.S.US.Q.NO.1355 FOR 18.12.2018

(d): The NCRMP is being funded by the World Bank, as an adaptable Programme loan with an International Development Association credits. Rs. 3866.89 crore is to be provided by the World Bank for NCRMP Phase-I and II.

(e): The State Governments are required to contribute 25% under Component B of the NCRMP Phase-I and II. The details are at Annexure-II

NCRMP Phase-I is scheduled for completion by 31st December 2018 and NCRMP Phase-II by 31st March 2020.


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