(a) the details of various schemes being implemented under the first and second phase of the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission (JNNSM), State-wise;

(b) the targets set and achievements made under the Mission, State-wise;

(c) whether the Government proposes to include solar power plants of 1 MW and 2 MW capacity under the JNNSM, if so, the details thereof and if not, the reasons therefor; and

(d) the steps being taken by the Government to promote small and economical solar power projects in rural areas?

Answer given by the minister


(a),(b),(c)&(d): A statement is laid on the Table of the House.

Statement referred to in reply to parts (a),(b),(c)&(d) of Lok Sabha Starred Question No. 329 for 31st July, 2014 regarding Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission

(a) The various schemes being implemented under the first and second phase of the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission (JNNSM) are:

# Off-Grid and Decentralized Solar Applications

# New Grid Connected Solar Power Projects under Batch-I & II, Phase-I of JNNSM (Bundling with thermal power)

# Migration Scheme for Grid Connected Projects

# Rooftop PV and Small Solar Power Generation Programme (RPSSGP)

# New Grid Connected Solar Power Projects under Batch-I, Phase-II of JNNSM (Viability Gap Fund)

The schemes under JNNSM are for the country as a whole and no State-wise schemes are being implemented.

(b) Targets under the Mission have been set in three phases for the country with no State-wise targets. The Phase-wise targets set and achievements made till date under the Mission are as under:

 Application Segment	Target	Cumulative	Cumulative	Achievements	for Phase	Target for	Target for	till date	I	Phase 2	Phase 3	(2010-13)	(2013-17)	(2017-22) Grid solar power	1,100 MW	10,000 MW	20,000 MW	2726 MW commissioned (large plants, roof top & distribution grid plants) Off-grid solar	200 MW	1,000 MW	2,000 MW	134.89 MW commissioned applications Solar Thermal	7 million	15 million 20 million	11.50 million Collectors (SWHs,	sq. meters	sq. meters	sq. meters	sq. meter solar cooking,	installed solar cooling, Industrial process heat applications, etc.) 
(c) The Government has already implemented Rooftop PV and Small Solar Power Generation Programme (RPSSGP) to set up solar power plants of 1-2 MW capacity under Phase-I of JNNSM. 71 projects of size 1-2 MW of cumulative capacity 90.80 MW have been commissioned. Government brings out such programmes from time to time. 1 & 2 MW projects are also coming up under Renewable Energy Certificate Mechanism and some State Government Procurement.

The minimum eligible capacity of 1 MW has been kept in new proposals for setting up of 1000 MW Grid Connected Solar Power Projects each by Defence Establishments and Central PSUs. Also, minimum eligible capacity of 1-2 MW is proposed for Special Category States under 1500 MW Grid Connected Bundling Scheme.

(d) To promote small and economical solar power projects in rural areas, the Government provides 30% capital subsidy which ranges from Rs. 27/Wp to Rs. 135/Wp for installation of solar PV systems and power plants such as Home Lighting, Street Lighting, Solar Power Pumps etc. In special category States viz. North Eastern States, Sikkim, Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and Uttrakhand, Lakshdweep and A&N Islands, the Ministry provides 90% capital subsidy which ranges from Rs. 81/- Wp to Rs. 405/-Wp for Government organizations (Not for commercial organizations and corporation).

Government is also implementing a programme for Home Lighting Systems through NABARD under which subsidy provided is as under:

(i) Capital subsidy is limited to 40 % of the total Benchmark cost for SPV system with battery upto 300 Wp limited to Rs. 108/- with CFL based lighting system and Rs. 180/Wp for LED based lighting system.

(ii) Capital subsidy is limited to 30% of the total Benchmark cost for SPV system with battery above 300 Wp – 1000 Wp limited to Rs. 81/- with CFL based lighting system and Rs. 135/Wp for LED based lighting system.

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